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First Grade Math Word Problem Progress Monitoring Assessment - IEP Goal Tracking

First Grade Word Problem Progress Monitoring Aligned to Common Core Standards

Tired of writing word problem goals only to find you don’t have an efficient way to monitor them? Do you want to progress monitor more than just math calculations? This First Grade Word Problem Curriculum-Based Measurement is perfect for tracking your first grade or intervention students' growth in applying addition and subtraction within twenty to real-world problems, aligned with Common Core Standards.

As a special education teacher, I wanted to write math reasoning goals measuring the student’s ability to apply logical and critical thinking to word problems and determine the correct strategy to use in reaching a solution. However, I found it difficult to find curriculum-based measurements to frequently monitor such a goal and was always unsure if the word problems I was assessing my students with were of equal difficulty and therefore demonstrating improvement in their math reasoning skills. In addition, it was very inefficient and time-consuming to locate enough word problems to effectively measure progress over the course of an entire IEP.

I created this first-grade word problem progress monitoring for students who can add and subtract within 20 but struggle to apply those skills in solving a variety of word problems.

How They Work:

  • Print the student probes directly from the workbook.
  • After students have completed the assessment, enter the student answers into the corresponding assessor probe.
  • Answers will automatically be corrected. Raw scores and percentages will be calculated and added to the data sheet.
  • A graph showing the student's progress along with a baseline is generated!

Word Problems are Aligned with First Grade Common Core State Standards:


Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.


Solve word problems that call for the addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Resources from the Achieve the Core website, specifically the Situation Types for Operations in Word Problems, were used to determine which types of word problems to include in this assessment.

Each probe includes five problems with the following skills:

  • One Problem: Add to (Result Unknown) OR Put together (Total Unknown)
  • One Problem: Take apart (Addend Unknown)
  • One Problem: Add three whole numbers
  • One Problem: Compare (Difference Unknown) OR Compare (Bigger Unknown) OR Compare (Smaller Unknown)
  • One Problem: Add to (Change Unknown) OR Take from (Result Unknown) OR Take from (Change Unknown)

Specific examples can be seen within the preview of this product.

Problem types/situations are randomized so students are unable to predict what type of problem they will encounter first, second, etc.

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This tool is intended for personal use. You may create as many copies of the workbook as you need to monitor the students in your class or on your caseload. This tool may not be used for commercial purposes.

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