Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with this engaging and educational "Easter Sunday Christian Bible Spinner." Perfect for Sunday School, Christian classrooms, and homeschooling, this craft helps children understand the story of Jesus' resurrection in a fun and interactive way.
Product Details:
- Title Page: Features the Bible verse, "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." - Matthew 28:6 (NIV)
- Six Spin Pages:
- Women Visit the Tomb: "On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb." - Luke 24:1
- The Stone Rolled Away: "They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus." - Luke 24:2-3
- The Empty Tomb: "While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them." - Luke 24:4
- The Angel's Message: "The men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee.'" - Luke 24:5-6
- Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene: "Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means Teacher)." - John 20:16
- Jesus Appears to His Disciples: "Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!'" - John 20:19
- Black and White Options: Allows children to color and personalize their craft.
- Easy Assembly Instructions: Clear steps to guide children and teachers in putting together the spinner wheel.
- Educational and Fun: Enhances children's understanding of the Easter story while engaging them in a creative activity.
This "Easter Sunday Bible Wheel Lesson Craft" is an excellent addition to your teaching resources, helping children remember and celebrate the joy of Jesus' resurrection in a meaningful way.