Are you looking for a way for your students to demonstrate what they have learned? This Design a Board Game activity is a complete project in which students unleash their imagination and showcase their smarts in the most playful way possible!
With this product, students become the architects of their own learning adventure. Think of it as a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a game that’s not just fun to play, but also a testament to what they’ve learned. Whether it’s vocabulary, science, math, or literature – the possibilities are as vast as their imagination.
This printable packet has everything needed to create a top-notch board game. From game board templates, spinners, and cards, to a dice template, every element sparks creativity.
Students will read about the history of board games. play and analyze existing games, brainstorm game mechanics, and design their own games, all while reinforcing what they’ve learned. Then they'll provide peer feedback, and self assess their own games.
Use this after a unit to demonstrate understanding, or allow students to choose an educational concept that they would like to showcase. This is a fantastic unit for your gifted and talented students and early finishers to work on when their work is completed.
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Create an Invention Unit
Discover Your Strengths
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