This bullet journal is created with the lifestyle of a teacher in mind. A bullet journal is sort of a combination of a diary and a planner. It’s flexible, so you can be creative, have fun, and make your journal work for you. The main idea is that you jot down short ideas (bullet points) instead of writing out long pages of prose. Quick, easy and fun. Perfect for a teacher with limited free time.
With a traditional bullet journal, you start with a blank book. Starting a journal from scratch can be time-consuming though. That’s where this journal can help you out, because the hard work is all done for you. It comes with premade pages, so that you can focus on what’s important to YOU. With this journal, you have the freedom to add as much (or little) of your own unique creativity as you want.
This journal is a reminder to take care of YOU! As a teacher, you take care of your students every day. Now it’s your turn to RELAX, RENEW and REFLECT.
When you purchase this product, you will receive detailed instructions for using your bullet journal. You will also get more than 60 pages that you can print, including blank pages that you can customize to meet your needs. Mix and match the pages to make your individual journal.
Please note that this journal is NOT a lesson planner.