Are you looking for engaging DIGITAL activities for your Algebra 2 students for the Rational Exponents and Radical Functions Unit? This DIGITAL activity pack that includes 96 standard aligned questions on 8 Google Slides that cover the ENTIRE UNIT! Activities include vocabulary, mazes, word unscrambles, coloring, true and false & matching that requires absolutely no prep for you and is perfect for them!
Each slide includes movable elements so they can easily show the answer. It's also great because they can share the presentation with you so you can see how they did, completely paperless! Student recording sheets are available so you can have them show work and collect it for a grade!
Questions are all aligned to the NYS Common Core Standards and were made with the NYS Regents exam in mind!
What you will find in this Google Slide Activity:
1.Vocabulary Matching Columns (9 questions)
2.Simplifying nth Roots Maze (10 questions)
3.Solving Equations using nth Roots Matching (14 questions)
4.Operations with Radicals True or False (10 questions)
5.Exponent & Radical Properties Color by Number (9 questions)
6.Solving Radical Equations Word Unscramble (15 questions)
7.Functions Operations Matching Column (20 questions)
8.Inverse Relations and Functions Escape Room (9 questions)
In the PDF
9.Answer Keys
10.Student Recording Sheets
Ways to use this activity:
1.Practice Problems at the end of the unit
2.Collected classwork assignment (collect the student recording sheet with their work)
4.Individual Review
5.Sub Plans (if you know you will be out)
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