This is a Write The Room Silent Discussion activity that will aide your students in analyzing Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings"! It's an alternate way to do a station rotation and will foster a deep- thinking discussion that takes place on chart paper!
To set up, you’ll need to copy the large questions and paste them onto larger poster size paper. (I like to use those giant Post-Its so I can hang them up afterwards!) I have included 8 questions so that you can place one at each table or station. You will also need to project the page of directions onto your Smart Board, or make a copy of them and put them where students can see. My students like to write their comments in colored ink, marker, or colored pencil in order to make it a little more fun.
To begin this discussion, students will first read the question. Then they will scan the answers their classmates have already written, and write an answer that hasn’t already been said. They may put a hashtag comment for fun after their comment. As the activity goes on, they have the option of responding to a comment that a classmate has already made instead. After a set time you deem appropriate for your students has elapsed, direct them to silently move to the next station.