3rd Grade I Can Statements Common Core CCSS ELA, Math & Science Are you looking for a new look to display your 3rd Grade Common Core "I Can" Statements to your students? Try out this Video Game / 8 Bit set of full page statements to help your students understand what they should be learning. Also included are NextGen Science standards for 3rd grade as well! This set includes header cards for each of the categories which are each a full 11"x8.5". Each header card lists the category with the icon and the specific color chosen for that category. The Header Cards include: ELA: Reading Literature (RL), Reading Informational Text (RI), Reading Foundation Skills (RF), Writing (W), Speaking and Listening (SL), Language (L) Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA), Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (NBT), Numbers and Operations - Fractions (NF), Measurement and Data (MD), Geometry (G) Science: Physical Science (PH), Life Science (LS), Earth and Space Science (ESS), Engineering, Technology and Application of Science (ESS) The individual "I Can" statement cards are the same size 7.8"x 3.25" but only show the icon, the I Can statement and the standard code. I have also included a check list for you to write down when you complete each of the standards (color coded to the same colors as the rest of the product). The standards themselves come from Corestandards.org and Nextgenscience.org The Common Core Standards used in this product were developed and written by the NGA. © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Any claims of correlation or alignment to the Common Core State Standards are solely those of Z is for Zebra and have not been evaluated nor endorsed by the NGA. The author of these materials claims no affiliation or endorsement by the NGA. Enjoy & Please leave feedback if you find this useful! Thanks! Brian If you like this product, please take a minute to "LIKE" it and "PIN" it! Keywords: CCSS, CCSS math, chevrons, common core, common core math, "I Can" statements, standards presentation, third grade, minecraft, video games, classroom, decoration, printable, vocabulary, kid friendly, poster, English, Bulletin Board, Back To School, vocabulary, www.Zisforzebra.com, z is for zebra, ZisforZebra, TeachShare,