Need some digital manipulatives for skip-counting or multiplication patterns? Each of the 18 slides in this Powerpoint file contains a hundred frame and sets of ready-made stacked colored semi-opaque tiles. The tiles can be dragged onto the 100 board to make patterns without obscuring the numbers on the board. You, or your students, drag the pre-made counters to the frames to the grid to help them visualize the numbers and patterns they are working with.
Great for distance learning or for an in-class activity that doesn't need to be printed. Ideal for a perfectionist student who gets overly frustrated if they make a mistake - this product can lower their frustration level because if they make a mistake, unlike on a coloring page where crayon or colored pencil can't be erased, they can easily correct it and still end up with an immaculate final product.
The counters are different shapes on different slides. For example, for counting by 3's the markers are triangles, for counting by 5s the markers are pentagons and so on.
There are many ways to use this file! You could use it on an interactive whiteboard, or you could share the file with students and then have the students use the drag and drop counters and the grid to help them visualize the patterns involved in skip counting. Having the drag and drop counters ready to go saves both teachers and students time and makes it easier to see the patterns.
Copyright information:
Purchasing this product grants permission for use by ONE teacher in his or her own classroom. If you have colleagues who would like to use this file, please respect the time I have put into making this for you and direct them to my store to buy their own copy!