Learning Strategies Bundle

by Visual Vibe

Set your student's up for success with this Learning Strategies Bundle. With Reading, Writing and Mathematics Strategies to assist with your students reading, writing and ability to work mathematically.

This Bundle is a great way to keep your student's focused and working towards a learning goal. They can also be used as a bulletin board display.

All Strategy Posters are made to match my Geometric Design theme, so you can create a stylish environment for your students to learn, grow and achieve.

If you are liking this Design theme or my resources, please write me a review or tag me on Instagram @visual_vibe_classroom.


Maths Proficiency Posters

By Visual Vibe

These Maths proficiencies are fundamental to learning and working mathematically. They are embedded across all three strands of Mathematics; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability.

I have created these resources to assist you in creating units of work with these proficiency goals in mind. They can be used as student goals or success criteria for your lessons.

What's Included:

Proficiency Posters - Broken down into 'I can' statements. Each with matching icons, to help to explain the proficiency goal.

Student goal cards - Colour-coded to match their associated proficiency.

Larger goal cards - Can be used as your unit focus and displayed on your board throughout your unit.


Reading Strategies Posters

By Visual Vibe

Reading strategies enable our students to comprehend a text in a variety of ways and develop a deeper understanding of how texts are constructed. They use these strategies to express what they have just read, make connections, draw conclusions and further engage with a text.

These posters can be used to display the learning focus for a lesson, unit or student goal. Created to match my Geometric Design theme, they are also an interesting way to display reading strategies in your classroom.

What's Included:

  • British and American Spelling
  • Two different Reading Strategy Designs
  • 10 Different Reading Strategies.

Reading Strategies Include:

  • Visualising/Visualizing
  • Questioning
  • Adjusting
  • Summarising/Summarizing
  • Inferring
  • Predicting
  • Synthesising/Synthesizing
  • Connecting
  • Analysing/Analyzing
  • Critiquing

Writing Traits Posters and Goal Cards

By Visual Vibe

Keep your student's writing on track with these 6+1 Writing Traits Posters. Created to match my geometric design, they will brighten and engage your learners.

This resources comes with matching goal cards, colour coded to the writing trait that your student's are working towards. They can be printed and stuck into their books or placed on their table, as a constant reminder of what they are working towards.

What's Included:

7 Writing Traits Posters - with simple 'I can' goal statements

7 pages of matching Writing Trait goal cards (editable). This is so you can create goals to their your student's needs while also thinking them to a particular writing trait.

Posters Include:


-Organisation/ Organization



-Word Choice

-Sentence Fluency

