Homeschool Australian History PowerPoint Presentations

Australia Geography —, The Big Australian Introduction PowerPoint Only

By Geography & Math Made Easy

Present The Big Australian Bucket List PowerPoint.

How the PowerPoint Works: The second slide after the introductory slide will have a grid with 9 images. Each image is linked to a separate slide. Allow students/class to choose which photo on the grid to visit first, then second, and so on. Each will have a number from the student to choose to make it easy to decipher. Once the image is clicked, it will take you to a slide within the PowerPoint that will provide information regarding Australia. Once you have visited it, click the back arrow to return to the grid and allow students to choose another image to explore. Continue until all 9 images have been explored.

Note: the lesson says it will take 30 minutes to present but at the most it will take 15 minutes.

For the entire lesson with cooperative activity, click here:


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