By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Have fun while learning and practicing a lot of vocabulary in Spanish with these bundle of bingos!!
1. El cuerpo
2. La escuela
3. La ropa
4. Las frutas
5. San Valentín
6. Las frutas y verduras
7. Las verduras
8. Los animales de la granja
9. Los animales (granja y salvajes)
10. Los animales salvajes
11. Los números
12. El calendario
13. La familia
14. Colores y números
15. Verbos
16. El tiempo y la ropa
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Café con Leche ☕️
Christmas and Winter Spanish Activity Bundle | Navidad | Invierno
By Senorita Creativa
Are you looking for an engaging and low-prep way to teach Christmas and winter vocabulary in Spanish? Look no further! This time-saving bundle includes twelve different activities to teach and practice Christmas and winter terms with your Spanish students. These activities are perfect for filling in those weird spaces in your schedule before school breaks, after returning from breaks, during snow days, semester exams, and more!
By buying this bundle, you save 25% versus purchasing each activity individually!
Included in this value-packed bundle you will find:
This bundle includes everything you need to practice and reinforce Christmas and winter vocabulary with your students in a fun, engaging way!
© 2013-2021 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
By French Made Fun!
This bundle features a zipped version, as opposed to the original, Google Drive version. If you prefer accessing via your Google Drive, access the exact same document here.
Clicking on the link above will show you previews and more information about the different products in this mega bundle!
If you teach Core French (FSL) to grades 4-8 and struggle to engage, interest and get them excited about French, then this is the bundle for you. It contains every single Core French product from my store.
My students have been known as low-level and require high levels of engagement. My products match that and are ready to be used, require no prep and are quick and easy to project and GO.
Check out the preview to see what you'll get from this mega bundle which will cover you for the year!
This bundle includes many activities, project, reading opportunities, workbooks
to help students practice and feel comfortable with reading and writing in Spanish.
Save more than 35% off by purchasing this BUNDLE!
By Love Learning Languages - French Resources
French Numbers 0 - 100 BUNDLE
Activities to use and challenge your students in the French classroom when teaching French numbers 0 - 100. Simple addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication will keep them on their toes while thinking of the answers using French numbers! Save 20%. Perfect for French immersion and mental math!
➯ Just click here to follow my store
➯ Newsletter: Get your free set of 100 French speaking cards
Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.
Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:
➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 & 2 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! Advanced French curriculum
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
EARN TeachShare CREDITS FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases.
Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
ESL growing Holiday bundle speaking writing activities flashcards EAL ELL & more
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This basic ESL English as a second language growing holiday bundle will give you lots of low prep activities for Halloween (3), Christmas (1), Valentine's Day (3), April Fool's (1), and St. Patrick's (2). These resources encourage students to engage with their peers while applying basic vocabulary and grammar structures in a fun and relevant context. As new holiday themed resources are made, they will be added to this bundle at no extra cost to you.
Just added: ESL Lunar New Year and ESL an explosion box gift card for a special someone.
Halloween 95 pages- writing prompts, question of the day, surveys, flashcards
Christmas 55 pages- writing prompts, questions of the day, flashcards
Valentine's Day 90 pages- writing prompts, question of the day, flashcards, activities like acts of kindness week and reading comprehension
April Fool's 30 pages - "Let's Talk about Pranks Question of the day
St. Patrick's Day 30 pages- Tour of Ireland and Art activities
Chinese (Lunar) New Year (35 pages)- Chinese zodiac activities, reading comprehension, & worksheets
ESL Valentine's Day or Mother's Day- Explosion box gift card with ESL writing suggestions
Halloween Resource 1 :
-Thirty-six flashcards and game suggestions
-Five worksheets to practice new Halloween vocabulary
-Two basic skits to practice speaking
-Two options for writing and creating a haunted house
-Three options to write a monster bio
-Follow the directions to color a Halloween image
-Design a costume for a favorite teacher or friend (describe the costume)
Halloween Resource 2 "Question of the day":
Encourage speaking and writing in your ESL Classroom with this Halloween-themed “Question of the day” resource. Ideal for teachers seeking engaging warm-up activities with low prep. This Google slideshow resource is designed to encourage students to share their opinion on spooky topics. It is ideal for daily discussions, writing prompts, and speaking exercises. Expand students' vocabulary with Halloween-themed vocabulary and images.
- Teacher overview
-Halloween vocabulary with engaging images
-Thirty-five slides which includes 10 “four corners” slides .
-Two Class survey suggestions that can be done as a whole class or individually.
Halloween Resource 3: Review Body Parts & Colors with Monster Fun
Enhance your classroom with this basic review resource packed with several activities to get students drawing, speaking and writing! Students will create a monster, describe a monster to a friend and vote for their favorite class monster. Finally, there are worksheets and games for extra practice.
This low prep resource includes the following:
-Five worksheets to practice body part vocabulary
-Twenty-seven flashcards to support review games
-Two colored Guess who?" monster boards to practice descriptions
-A "Guess who?" template to help students ask questions
-A voting template- students vote for their favorite monster
-Two template options to write about your monster
-Two drawing activities (read or write)
Vocabulary and grammar practice:
body parts
present tense
practice with basic descriptions
Resource 4: December
This December themed ESL resource helps to introduce and review basic vocabulary with students. Students get an opportunity to practice the new vocabulary both orally and written with flashcards and Questions of the day. This resource can be used for whole class discussion, partner activity or divided into stations.
- Teacher overview
-Holiday vocabulary with images (flashcards) and suggested activities.
-Design your own ugly Christmas sweater
-Vote for your favorite ugly sweater
-Follow directions to color and draw
-Listen and vote for their favorite Christmas music
-Over 30 suggestions for "Questions of the day" within activities and lessons
Short writing and drawing prompts:
-Invent an elf and design an outfit for your new elf
-Apply to be an elf at the North Pole
-Become a toy tester
-Write about yourself during the holidays including your favorite meal and activities.
Holiday and Christmas words
Basic Body Parts
Some winter clothing
Present tense verbs
Limited use of the conditional
Resource 5: Valentine's day Reading & listening
There are 2 Nonfiction texts (“The Legend of Saint-Valentine” and “Love Locks- The Cities do not love them”) with comprehension questions (answer key included). Students may also watch the short film « The Box ». There are questions for class discussion or for students to respond independently in writing.
Resource 6: Valentine's day activities
-New vocabulary with images (30 flashcards) and suggested activities
-Writing prompts with a focus on friendship and kindness (see below)
-Valentine cards to print and color (with and without words)
Examples of short writing prompts:
Tell us about a friend
What can you do during a “A week of Kindness”?
Write about things you love
How would you help someone with a problem?
Write simple compliments to classmates (compliment jar)
Worksheets with a Valentine’s theme
Crossword and various exercises for Valentine’s vocabulary
Label body parts of the cupid
Valentine’s cards (to color or blank for students to write)
Follow the directions and draw
Resource 7: Valentine's Day Question of the day "Things we love to hate"
This basic French FSL resource (Question du jour/chef du jour) helps to engage students with conversation starting photographs. Students will all want to share their opinion while they practice simple French sentences.
Resource 8:
This St. Patrick’s day basic ESL resource is filled with printable no prep activities and writing prompts for March. This resource includes a visual tour of Ireland and an overview of the traditions. The slideshow shares basic information on Irish traditions including St. Patrick’s Day. Take a visual tour of Irish landmarks as you also learn about traditional music and dance.
- Teacher overview with suggested links for Irish music and dance
-Twenty slides in basic French with photographs
-Printable graphic organizers for independent work for students to show their learning.
-A digital (or printable) Instagram activity for students to make a post on what they learned about Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day.
Resource 9: Art and writing
This second St. Patrick's Day resource includes writing and art activities.
Students can write a newspaper article about catching a leprechaun or write about what they would do if they found a pot of gold. Students will learn about Celtic knots and make a simple one from paper. Finally, they can practice numbers 1 to 100 with a mystery image or practice St. Patrick’s day vocabulary.
- Teacher overview
-New vocabulary with images (30 flashcards) and suggested activities like a game of memory
-Art activity with a Celtic Knot
-Two additional handouts practicing vocabulary and numbers
Writing prompts
Newspaper Article
To come in January 2024- Growing bundle
Resource 12 : Easter
This Easter ESL resource is filled with printable no prep activities for April. There are Easter flashcards, writing and drawing prompts included. Students can write about their favorite Easter treats, apply for a job with the Easter bunny and more!
- Teacher overview
-New vocabulary with images (24 flashcards) and suggested activities and vocabulary practice
-Four short writing prompts
-Four follow the direction sheets to color or draw Easter images.
Examples of short writing prompts:
If I was the Easter Bunny, I would
All about me- the Easter Bunny
Describe the Easter Basket of your dreams
Find a disguise for the Easter Bunny
Apply for the job
Resource 11: Lunar New Year
This ESL resource helps to explain basic information on Chinese New Year. Learn about the Chinese Zodiac animals and complete an activity. Students can also practice new vocabulary with various worksheets. There are questions and graphic organizers to check for comprehension.
Reading Comprehension:
The reading comprehension slideshow can be used for whole class discussion as there are 2 levels of text complexity. The 3 reading comprehension sheets can be used for independent work with stronger readers.
- Teacher overview
-Slideshow with images to share information on Chinese New Year
-Three reading comprehension sheets with questions
-Three worksheets to record understanding
- 20 Flashcards
-Venn diagram to help to compare traditions
-Four simple worksheets to practice vocabulary
-General overview of the Chinese zodiac animals and characteristics
-Zodiac Activity
-Follow directions to color the dragon
-Label the dragon body parts
Zodiac animals 12
Basic body parts
Present tense verbs
Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the suggested short video. The link is editable and can be changed as these are not part of the purchased resource.
Resource 10:
Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day- Explosion box template
Introducing an explosion gift box writing project for your ESL class (English second language)! This simple and engaging craft is versatile, making it ideal for creating heartfelt messages to recognize special people. Perfect for personalized cards during holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day. This activity can work well for different levels of English.
-Box and cover template to be printed on 8.5 X 11 cardstock (best results)
-Interior template for extra writing
-Decorative images such as hearts and hobby clipart
-English sentence suggestions
I remember ____________
I like _____________ with you.
You are ____________________
-Photo step-by-step visual instructions
Scissors, Scotch tape, colored pencils, and printed templates (card stock works best for box- decorations and interior can be on printer paper)
***These activities are for beginners who have basic understanding of grammar and sentence structure using the present tense. Intermediate students should be able to do the work independently and in greater depth.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Spanish Back to School Materials Parent Docs Student Docs Open House
By Specialty Spanish
Back to School in Spanish class can be so hectic! Take some stress off with this Spanish Class Back to School Survival Bundle! Getting to know students, helping students set goals for their Spanish growth, engaging their parents, decorating your room, and welcoming students after the school year has started are all things that we need to do! Save time and energy with these 9 things to get you started!
All of the resources included in this bundle can be edited to suit your specific needs. They include teacher hints and ideas for how to use them. Instead of creating all of these “extras”, now you have time to focus on your lesson plans!
Who can use this product?
How can I use this product?
What’s included in this product?
Other resources you may like:
Spanish Seal of Biliteracy Test Prep Bundle
Task Cards for Present, Past and Future Spanish Speaking and Writing
Spanish Youth Hostels: Presentation, Video, Reading
Visit my store to see other products you might like! Click here to follow me on TeachShare to find out about Freebies, Sales and New Resources!
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Instagram: @specialtyspanish
Sign up HERE for my free resource library!
Please consider leaving a review! Your feedback helps me to improve, and you can earn credit towards free TeachShare products for every review that you leave!
Realidades Spanish Reading Comprehension Passages Bundle | Activity & Questions
By La clase animada
Want to easily add three (or more) years of Spanish reading and comprehension skills into your curriculum but don't have the time to create stories yourself? Look no further! Included in this bundle are 47 stories that are perfect for any first three to four years of Spanish. Include them in each of your units and watch as your students become more proficient in the language.
These stories include:
These versatile stories are effective for:
This product corresponds with: Levels 1, 2, and 3 of Auténtico and Realidades.
I have stories and activities that correspond to all chapters of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of these textbooks! Incorporate these stories into every unit, and you will see your students become highly proficient readers! (I use these stories in my own classroom each unit and can confirm that they work!)
Follow my store! Click on the green star next to my name to become a follower. You'll get emails with information on my latest products and other updates!
Sopas de letras BUNDLE - Word Search Puzzles Bundle in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you need lots of vocabulary review in Spanish? This Word Search Bundle in Spanish will provide lots of practice for your students. It is a great print and go activity for reviews, morning work, centers, homework, early finishers, and sub plans.
There are four versions in each set:
All word searches are completely in Spanish without any English on the worksheet.
Each pack includes an answer key sheet with each of the words marked.
This bundle contains:
1. Los meses del año
2. Los días de la semana
3. Las partes del cuerpo
4. Las preposiciones
5. El tiempo
6. Los útiles de la escuela
7. Los animales de la granja
8. La ropa
9. Las formas
10. Los animales salvajes
11. Las verduras
12. Los colores
13. Las frutas
14. La familia
15. Los números
16. Las emociones
17. Los países de habla hispana - NEW
18. Los verbos - NEW
19. Pascua/Primavera - FREE
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products!
Would you like to know when I post more resources? Simply follow me on TeachShare.
Mil gracias,
Café con Leche ☕️
Spanish Conjugation Dice Activities Bundle
By Senorita Creativa
Are you looking for a quick, fun way to get your students practicing the conjugation and sentence creation in Spanish? This fun, low-prep dice activity is a great way to reinforce various grammar topics throughout your course! For many of the activities included in this money-saving bundle, you can specify the tense, so they could be used at all levels!
This bundle includes all fourteen of my dice conjugation activities! By purchasing this bundle, you save 20% over purchasing each resource individually!
This activity can be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups and it's a great way to fill a few extra minutes when your lesson ends early or on days with irregular schedules (like standardized test days, pep rallies, early releases, etc). This is also a great learning station activity. My students love playing the dice game and I'm sure yours will too!
This bundled resource includes 2 versions of each activity, each with 6-12 different verbs. Each of the fourteen resources in this bundle include:
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
BUNDLE Proyectos para la clase de Hispanohablantes Español 3 y 4
I believe in Game Based Learning and Project Based Learning in the classroom. This bundle is part of my PBL Program.
➡️PBL makes learning more engaging and relevant to students because they work on projects that interest and motivate them. It encourages active participation and a sense of ownership over their learning.
➡️PBL promotes teamwork and collaboration. Students work together on projects, which helps them develop communication and interpersonal skills.
❤ These projects will impact the dynamic in your classroom for a positive turn.
Many of these projects can be conducted alone or in groups.
SAVE 30% with this BUNDLE!
Bundle of Hispanic PROJECTS
A different approach to writing a story or working with leyendas.
These quick projects can be used for:
**⭐⭐**Extra Practice
**⭐⭐**Extra Credit
**⭐⭐**Cultural Enhancement in the classroom
**⭐⭐**Better student writing
**⭐⭐**Art Component
**⭐⭐**Advanced students that need a more hands-on activity
and so many other ways!
Easy-to-use, rubrics, examples, and versatile topics.
❤ Follow my Instagram (This is my most active outlet)
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TeachShare Store
This product can not be shared, duplicated, re-distributed, sold, or given away for free– in parts or in total- in person or online. Emailing or sharing this product, or the file where you might store it, is prohibited. Sharing the link to this product in my TeachShare store for others to purchase is allowed and appreciated.
Please Leave FEEDBACK so you will earn TeachShare credits, which may be applied to your future purchases.
Thank you,
Ariana Perez-Urbina
French Writing Prompts For Beginners - SET 1 - Twenty Writing Lessons
By Love Learning Languages - French Resources
Looking for a simple solution to encourage your beginner French students to write? These ready-to-use French writing prompts are ideal for students who are learning essential vocabulary and sentence formation.
SET 1: These 20 French writing prompts require no prep!
The writing prompts in this set are included in my Big Bundle of French Writing Prompts + Speaking Cards Bonus.
All you need to do is print and go, and there are enough of them to last at least a year of beginner French.
Do you have reluctant writers who need a boost in confidence? These writing prompts include pre-writing activities, themed vocabulary lists, transition word lists, and self-assessment check lists for guaranteed success!
Teachers and students appreciate:
⭐ Vocabulary lists that make students feel successful.
⭐ Reluctant writers will begin to feel more comfortable.
⭐ Great way for building confidence when writing in French.
Encourage your students to create a writing binder including all of their work.
This is a fantastic way for students to keep track of their writing progress, and it makes a nice souvenir for them to take home at the end of the year.
Here's what is included with each writing prompt (200 pages):
► Instructions page
► Cover page displaying the theme
► Drawing page + write a sentence
► Themed vocabulary (12 words) + transition words to ease the writing process
► Sentence writing activity with self-assessment check list
► Outline page for organizing thoughts and vocabulary
► Rough draft page to follow the outline
► Final draft page with self-assessment check list
► Single column rubric
► Grid rubric
The following 20 topics are included:
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour te relaxer?
⭐ Quel est un sport que tu aimerais découvrir?
⭐ Décris ton ou ta meilleur(e) ami(e).
⭐ Quelle est une ville que tu aimerais visiter?
⭐ Quel est ton sport préféré et pourquoi?
⭐ Tu aimes aller au zoo? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?
⭐ Est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose que tu n’aimes pas porter?
⭐ Tu préféres la plage ou la piscine?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire le soir?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour rester en forme?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant les vacances?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais améliorer dans ta ville?
⭐ Quelle est ta ville préférée et pourquoi?
⭐ Parle de ton dernier anniversaire.
⭐ Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire plus tard dans la vie?
⭐ Qu’est-ce que tu manges d’habitude à midi?
⭐ Décris une personne que tu admires.
⭐ Quel est un plat que tu n’aimes pas manger?
⭐ Quel est ton magasin préféré? Pourquoi?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimerais faire plus souvent?
► Big Bundle of French Writing Prompts + Speaking Cards Bonus
► SET 1 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 2 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 3 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 4 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 5 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
Planning for student success begins with a well designed lesson plan!
► Students and teachers understand the goals of an instructional module
► The teacher translates the curriculum into learning activities
► The instructional materials align with the assessment
► The assessment aligns with the learning goal
► Assures that the needed instructional materials are available
► Teachers thoughtfully address individual learning needs among students
Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.
Follow my store
Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales
Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:
➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
French months days school seasons colors emotions clothes basic core FSL
By The Librarian's Language Loft
Twelve basic French (core) vocabulary resources:
Simplify your French Second Language (FSL) classroom planning with this basic vocabulary review MEGA bundle. Add some fun to language learning with scavenger hunts and an Escape challenge, perfect for engaging low prep lessons. Reinforce basic vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, and fun games. These printable resources are versatile, making them ideal for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days.
School (2 resources)
Locations and Places
Winter clothing and sports
Emotions and feelings
Resource 1: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Scavenger Hunt
Included in this resource:
"Question Hunt": (see example of language level in photos)
Interactive scavenger hunt activity.
Twenty BASIC French question-and-answer pairs.
Adds learning and movement to an FSL class.
Memories Keepsake Craft: All about me!
Heart-shaped template and envelope to be printed on cardstock.
Students personalize with information and doodles.
Fun Activity Sheets:
Perfect for early finishers or Fun Fridays.
Discover a “mystery word or code” answer by completing the sheets correctly.
Encourage friendly competition and engagement.
Your Answers in Color (2 options):
Answer questions to find the corresponding colors.
Color in the sections of the pictures based on answers.
A relaxing and enjoyable activity for any time of year.
Cootie catcher: Foldable activity
Two cootie catcher options for students to use. Students can make a cootie catcher with activity statements inside (ex: Turn 5 times.) or they can make their own personalized verison with simple questions (ex. How are you ?)
Resource 2: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Escape Room
What's Included :
Escape Challenge Task Cards with 4 digit code (5 ways to use):
Twelve Review Worksheets:
School objects and subjects
Enhance language learning with flashcards, perfect for engaging games and interactive lessons. Reinforce basic school vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, drawing exercises, and fun games. Unlock creativity as students personalize their learning by designing their own locker and crafting sentences to describe it.
Resource 3: Personal school Supplies
-36 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board
-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords, drawing and more )
-Mini-project- design and write about your locker (template and example)
-An editable sub plan - sheets work even if your substitute does not speak French
Resource 4: School subjects and places
This French Second Language (FSL) resource reviews vocabulary with a focus on basic school subjects, larger school items, and areas in a school. Students can practice speaking with 3 dialogue suggestions. Students can also label school spaces and do a scavenger hunt.
-39 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board
-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords and more )
-Three simple skits to practice speaking
-School room signs to label spaces in the building and a basic scavenger hunt
Resource 5: Emotions
This core French (FSL) resource has activities to encourage conversation on emotions while improving language skills (SEL or l'apprentissage social et émotionnel). Students can write in a daily emotions notebook, think about what activities make them feel better and write down their preferred activities. There are several sheets to practice writing emotion vocabulary and grammar. Finally there are templates for a mini project where students can reflex their emotional choices.
- Teacher overview
-Two formats for writing "Mon carnet d’émotions"
-Images and a supporting list to discuss "things that help make you feel better"
-Seven worksheet options for beginner students to practice writing new vocabulary and grammar (avoir/être)
-Two simple skits to practice new vocabulary
-Two templates for a final mini project
-18 emoji emotion flashcards
Present tense verbs/limited conditional
1 French/English lexique to help with writing - "activities that make you happy" and additional emotions
Resource 6:
This cake themed basic FSL (French as a second language) resource encourages speaking and writing while reviewing personal questions and information. There are also various worksheets to practice colors, shapes, numbers 1-30, and the months of the year. There are engaging templates included which focus on designing a personalized cake. Students can pick a theme and a create a cake design. A vocabulary list and various templates support students with writing about their cake design. Finally, there are 20 basic student profile cards to be used for a mini scavenger hunt activity. Students can practice asking questions such as the following:
Quel est son âge ?
Quand est son anniversaire ?
Quelle est sa couleur préférée ?
Quel est son passe-temps préféré ?
This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review core French vocabulary. Students enjoy being creative as they add artwork and French sentences to their cake design.
-Teacher overview
-Vocabulary list and templates to support writing
-Flashcards to display colors and basic shapes
-Scavenger hunt with 20 student profile cards (with Student charts to complete)
-10 worksheets to review numbers, colors and months of the year (ex. crosswords, listening and coloring activities)
-Mini- project- Créer un gâteau
Helpful with cake template:
Scissors, tape, colored pencils, and printed templates
This cake activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.
Resource 7 : Clothes
Introducing a beginner low-prep FSL French resource on clothing, designed to make teaching and learning engaging! This unit introduces vocabulary and grammar related to clothing items. To reinforce and practice the new vocabulary, various printable worksheets are provided that cater to different learning styles. To make learning even more exciting, there are game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of clothing vocabulary.
Teacher overview which includes game suggestions
48 flashcards of basic clothing and accessories
Various worksheets for students to practice writing the clothing vocabulary words
Basic dialogues ( for students to practice speaking)
Two simple writing prompt options for sentences about clothing
Basic grammar practice worksheets for the verbs porter, aimer and colors as adjectives
Additional instructional slideshow -porter, aimer and colors as adjectives
To further develop listening skills, a basic listening activity is included where students will listen to descriptions of clothing items and color the corresponding pictures.
Resource 8:
Resource 9 :
Resource 10 :
Resource 11:
Resource 12:
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Realidades Level 1 Spanish Reading Big Bundle 95 Reading Comprehension Passages
By La clase animada
Wish your students would feel more comfortable reading in Spanish? Build confident Spanish readers with this BIG bundle of no-prep stories tailored to the vocabulary and grammar from each chapter of Realidades / Auténtico Level 1! Included in this bundle are two types of stories for a total of 95 (76 short stories + 19 full-length) stories that are perfect for any first year of Spanish. Include them in each of your units and watch as your students become more proficient in the language and become more comfortable reading in Spanish!
Each short story comes in PDF format with:
- 4 true/false questions
- speaking activity
- writing prompt
- drawing activity
Each full-length story comes in PDF format with:
- a writing area off to the side to summarize, translate, write questions and more!
- 10 question comprehension assessment
- activity ideas for speaking, writing, and drawing
All of these stories are great for ...
I have stories and activities that correspond to all chapters of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of the Auténtico / Realidades textbooks! Incorporate these stories into every unit, and you will see your students become highly proficient readers! (I use these stories in my own classroom each unit and can confirm that they work!)
How can this product work for distance learning?
I personally have used these readings in my online classes during our COVID-19 closure with success! Use the digital file to post the stories with questions and activities on Google Classroom. The students can read the stories, insert their answers to the comprehension questions, and fill out one of the practice activities. You could also assign the stories ahead of time and set up a virtual class meeting to discuss the stories, or read the stories together as a whole class or in small groups during a virtual meet-up!
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I would love your feedback!
Have you used this product in your classroom? Earn TeachShare credits for future purchases by leaving some feedback! Your feedback helps me determine what kind of products to make in the future to make your life easier. ¡Gracias!
La Ropa y Los Accesorios Clothing Activity Bundle
By Senorita Creativa
Are you looking for an easy and engaging way to teach clothing and accessories in Spanish? Look no further! This time-saving bundle includes eleven different resources to teach and practice clothing, accessories, clothing descriptions, and colors with your Spanish students. By buying this bundle, you save 20% versus purchasing each activity individually!
Included in this bundle you will find:
This bundle includes everything you need to practice and reinforce clothing vocabulary with your students in a fun, engaging way!
© 2018-2020 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
Elementary Level Spanish Bilingual Bundle
Elementary Spanish Bundle
More than a $23 savings!!!
-One More Product coming in this Bundle 9/18/204
Everything in this BUNDLE is BILINGUAL OR in Spanish.
Please see the list of all the items that are included!
French Writing Prompts For Beginners - SET 4 - Twenty Writing Lessons
By Love Learning Languages - French Resources
Looking for a simple solution to encourage your beginner French students to write? These ready-to-use French writing prompts are ideal for students who are learning essential vocabulary and sentence formation.
SET 4: These 20 French writing prompts require no prep!
The writing prompts in this set are included in my Big Bundle of French Writing Prompts + Speaking Cards Bonus.
All you need to do is print and go, and there are enough of them to last at least a year of beginner French.
Do you have reluctant writers who need a boost in confidence? These writing prompts include pre-writing activities, themed vocabulary lists, transition word lists, and self-assessment check lists for guaranteed success!
Teachers and students appreciate:
⭐ Vocabulary lists that make students feel successful.
⭐ Reluctant writers will begin to feel more comfortable.
⭐ Great way for building confidence when writing in French.
Encourage your students to create a writing binder including all of their work.
This is a fantastic way for students to keep track of their writing progress, and it makes a nice souvenir for them to take home at the end of the year.
Here's what is included with each writing prompt (200 pages):
► Instructions page
► Cover page displaying the theme
► Drawing page + write a sentence
► Themed vocabulary (12 words) + transition words to ease the writing process
► Sentence writing activity with self-assessment check list
► Outline page for organizing thoughts and vocabulary
► Rough draft page to follow the outline
► Final draft page with self-assessment check list
► Single column rubric
► Grid rubric
The following 20 topics are included:
⭐ Quel est ton livre préféré et pourquoi?
⭐ Quelle est ta couleur préférée et pourquoi?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire quand il fait beau?
⭐ Quel est ton souvenir préféré?
⭐ Quel est un pays que tu aimerais visiter?
⭐ Est-ce que tu aimerais avoir un animal de compagnie?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end?
⭐ Décris ta chambre en détail.
⭐ Quel est un genre de musique que tu n’aimes pas?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es triste?
⭐ Comment est-ce que tu restes en contact avec tes copains?
⭐ Est-ce que tu aimes faire du shopping?
⭐ Tu aimes te lever tôt le matin? Pourquoi?
⭐ Parle de ton dernier voyage.
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger pour le dîner?
⭐ Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire au printemps?
⭐ Qu’est-ce que tu sais cuisiner?
⭐ Quel est ton dessert préféré?
⭐ Quelle est ta fête préférée et pourquoi?
⭐ Quel est ton animal préféré et pourquoi?
► Big Bundle of French Writing Prompts + Speaking Cards Bonus
► SET 1 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 2 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 3 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 4 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
► SET 5 - Twenty French Writing Prompt Lessons
Planning for student success begins with a well designed lesson plan!
► Students and teachers understand the goals of an instructional module
► The teacher translates the curriculum into learning activities
► The instructional materials align with the assessment
► The assessment aligns with the learning goal
► Assures that the needed instructional materials are available
► Teachers thoughtfully address individual learning needs among students
Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.
Follow my store
Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales
Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:
➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum
➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
ESL months seasons days numbers 1-30 emotions clothing basic english EAL ELL
By The Librarian's Language Loft
Simplify your English Second Language (ESL) classroom planning with this basic vocabulary review (MEGA bundle). Add some fun to language learning with scavenger hunts and an Escape challenge, perfect for engaging low prep lessons. Reinforce basic vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, and fun games. These printable resources are versatile, making them ideal for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days.
12 engaging basic vocabulary resources:
School (2 resources)
Locations and Places
Winter clothing and sports
Emotions and feelings
Resource 1: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Scavenger Hunt
Included in this resource:
"Question Hunt": (see example of language level in photos)
Interactive scavenger hunt activity.
Twenty BASIC English question-and-answer pairs.
Adds learning and movement to an ESL class.
Memories Keepsake Craft: All about me!
Heart-shaped template and envelope to be printed on cardstock.
Students personalize with information and doodles.
Fun Activity Sheets:
Perfect for early finishers or Fun Fridays.
Discover a “mystery word or code” answer by completing the sheets correctly.
Encourage friendly competition and engagement.
Your Answers in Color (2 options):
Answer questions to find the corresponding colors.
Color in the sections of the pictures based on answers.
A relaxing and enjoyable activity for any time of year.
Cootie catcher: Foldable activity
Two cootie catcher options for students to use. Students can make a cootie catcher with activity statements inside (ex: Turn 5 times.) or they can make their own personalized verison with simple questions (ex. How are you ?)
Resource 2: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Escape Room
What's Included :
Escape Challenge Task Cards with 4 digit code (5 ways to use):
Twelve Review Worksheets:
Resource 3: Hobbies
Spark your students' creativity in English as a Second Language (ESL) with this hobby and pastime-themed resource! Designed to enhance speaking and writing skills while reinforcing basic English vocabulary, this resource offers a variety of engaging activities. From worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.
-Teacher overview in Englisih
-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing for project
-Flashcards (45) for many hobbies and pastimes
-Speaking activities (i.e. skits, a discussion template, "Find someone who", a class survey, partner interviews...)
-Description of games to play with flashcards
-Print and go worksheets for written practice or low prep substitute plans (10 plus pages)
-Mini- project templates (water bottle theme)
-Vocabulary practice focuses on pastimes, hobbies and locations
This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your ESL class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.
Resource 4: Locations and Places
This ESL (English as a second language) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in English. This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic English vocabulary.
-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities
-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for I have..Who has...?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)
-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)
-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)
-Two skit formats
Resource 5: Emotions and Feelings
This ESL English as a second language resource has activities to encourage conversation on emotions while improving language skills (SEL or Social Emotional Learning). Students can write in a daily feeling's notebook, think about what activities make them feel better and write down their preferred activities. There are several sheets to practice writing emotion vocabulary and grammar. Finally there are templates for a mini project where students can reflect on their emotional choices.
- Teacher overview
-Two formats for writing "My Feeling's Notebook"
-Images and a supporting list to discuss "things that help make you feel better"
-Five worksheet options for beginner students to practice writing new vocabulary and grammar
-Two simple skits to practice new vocabulary
-Two templates for a final mini project
-18 emoji emotion flashcards
Resource 6: Clothing
Introducing a beginner low-prep ESL English resource on clothing, designed to make teaching and learning engaging! This unit provides everything you need to introduce vocabulary and grammar related to clothing items.
To reinforce and practice the new vocabulary, various printable worksheets are provided that cater to different learning styles. To make learning even more exciting, there are game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of clothing vocabulary.
Teacher overview which includes game suggestions
48 flashcards of basic clothing and accessories (North American and British vocabulary included)
Various worksheets for students to practice writing the clothing vocabulary words
Basic dialogues ( for students to practice speaking)
Two simple writing prompt options for sentences about their clothing
Basic grammar practice for the verbs to like and to wear in present tense- including the negative
Opportunities for students to share their opinion of some fashion ( I like, I don’t like)
To further develop listening skills, there is a basic listening activity where students will listen to descriptions of clothing items and color the corresponding pictures.
Resource 7: Winter Sports and Clothing
Enrich your ESL (ESL Second Language) lessons with this basic winter vocabulary resource. Students can practice key winter words with 54 flashcards and game suggestions. The "print and go" worksheets work well for emergency substitute plans, center activities, or low-prep days.
-54 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Board Slap- includes images to project on board
-Seven low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary
-Substitute plan suggestions included
There are several game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" flashcard game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of basic vocabulary. Inside this resource, there are suggestions to keep your students motivated and actively engaged in their language learning journey.
Resource 8 : Body parts and colors
Enhance your classroom with this ESL resource to review body parts, colors, and basic grammar. It is packed with activities to get students drawing, speaking and writing! Students will create a monster, describe a monster to a friend and vote for their favorite class monster. Finally, there are fun activities with flashcards, "Guess who?" and task cards to get your students interacting in English.
This low prep resource includes the following:
-Five sheets to practice body part vocabulary
-Twenty-seven flashcards to support review games
-Three colored "Guess who?" monster boards to practice descriptions
-A "Guess who?" template to help students ask questions
-A voting template for students - vote for their favorite monster
-Two template options to write about your monster
-Two drawing activities (read or write)
-Twenty-seven task cards for a creative listening and drawing activity
Vocabulary and grammar practice:
body parts
present tense
practice with basic descriptions
Resource 9: Colors, shapes, and numbers with a cake theme
This cake themed ESL (English as a second language) resource encourages speaking and writing while focusing on basic personal questions and information. There are also various worksheets to practice colors, shapes, numbers 1-31, and the months of the year. There are engaging templates included which focus on designing a personalized cake. Students can pick a theme and a create a cake design. A vocabulary list and various templates support students with writing about their cake design. Finally, there are 20 basic student profile cards to be used for a mini scavenger hunt activity. Students can practice asking questions such as the following:
How old is he/she?
When is his/her birthday?
What is his/her favorite color?
What is his/her favorite hobby or pastime?
This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic vocabulary. Students enjoy being creative as they add artwork and sentences to their cake design.
-Teacher overview
-Vocabulary list and templates to support writing
-Flashcards to display colors and basic shapes
-Scavenger hunt with 20 student profile cards (with Student charts to complete)
-10 worksheets to review numbers, colors and months of the year
-Mini- project- Design a Cake
Helpful with cake template:
Scissors, tape, colored pencils, and printed templates
This cake activity can be done over several classes, by starting your ESL class off each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.
Resource 10 : School
Enhance your ESL (English Second Language) classroom with this basic school vocabulary resource. Practice school supply vocabulary with 36 flashcards for engaging games. Perfect for reinforcing vocabulary with mystery word worksheets, word searches, drawing and games. Printables work well for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days. Finally, students can design their own locker and write sentences to describe it.
-36 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board
-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords and more )
-Mini-project- design and write about your locker (template and example)
-An editable sub plan
There are several game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" flashcard game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of basic vocabulary. Inside this resource, there are suggestions to keep your students motivated and actively engaged in their language learning journey.
Resource 11 : School Subjects, school items and spaces in a school
This basic English Second Language (ESL) resource reviews vocabulary with a focus on basic school subjects, school items, and spaces in a school. Practice school vocabulary with 39 flashcards for engaging games. With this resource you can practice vocabulary with mystery word worksheets, word searches, a crossword and a scavenger hunt. Worksheets work well for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days. Students can practice speaking with 3 dialogue suggestions. Students can also label school spaces and do a scavenger hunt.
-39 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board
-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crossword and more )
-Three simple skits to practice speaking
-School room signs to label spaces in the building and a basic scavenger hunt
-An editable sub plan - basic sheets for written vocabulary practice
Please look at the language level in the thumbnails before purchasing.
This resource is designed to make reviewing basic vocabulary not only effective but also enjoyable, ensuring your students stay motivated and excited about their language learning journey.
Resource 12: Months, days and seaso
Enhance your ESL (English as a Second Language) lessons with this basic resource on the months, the days and the seasons. This toolkit includes engaging activities like celebrity birthday profiles, class birthday polls, and dialogues. Perfect for vocabulary practice, emergency sub plans, and speaking exercises. There is lot's of opportunity for writing and reviewing the months, days of the week and the seasons.
-Review core vocabulary - Low prep worksheets for students to practice the key vocabulary (word search, crosswords, worksheets, trivia ... )
-Research a month Activity
-Class survey on birthdays
- Celebrity Profile
-Find the birthdate activity
-Mini- Project- Create a zine foldable booklet by using the included template.
Speaking activities:
"Do you like ___? Yes, I like ___ No, I don't like ___
"When is ______'s birthday? His/her birthday is ___"
"When is your birthday? My birthday is ____"
"What is the date today? "
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Realidades Level 1 2 & 3 | Spanish Reading Comprehension Stories with Questions
By La clase animada
Never worry about Spanish reading activities again with this big bundle!
Wish your students of all levels of Spanish would feel more comfortable reading in Spanish? Build confident Spanish readers with this BIG bundle of no-prep stories tailored to the vocabulary and grammar from each chapter of Realidades / Auténtico Levels 1, 2 AND 3! Included in this bundle are two types of stories for a total of 235 (188 short stories + 47 full-length) stories that are perfect for your first, second, third AND fourth year of Spanish. Include them in each of your units and watch as your students become more proficient in the language and become more comfortable reading in Spanish!
Each short story comes in PDF format with:
Each full-length story comes in PDF format with:
Both types of stories are great for...
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Spanish Preterite Tense Grammar Bundle
By Senorita Creativa
This Mega Bundle contains 21 different best-selling activities for practicing and reviewing the preterite tense in Spanish. All files are in PDF format. You will save 20% by purchasing these activities as a bundle!
Included in this mega bundle are 9 word puzzles:
3 dice games (juego de dados):
5 sets of task cards (for a total of 176 different cards):
Preterite Tense Board Game Set (the cards included in this game set are the same as the Preterite Tense task cards, also included in this bundle)
and my Preterite Tense Flip Book!
Separately, all of these activities would cost over $60, but by purchasing this bundle, you'll save 20% off all of these awesome resources, plus get three products that are only available in this bundle!
© 2014-2020 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved