7th Grade Physical Science Interactive Whiteboard


By French Made Fun!

This 64-page resource will provide you with ample activities, games and subject matter for roughly 2 weeks (or more) of Core French at the grades 5-7 level. As with all of my Core French material, the vocabulary and sentence structure is VERY beginner and some English is used on the worksheets to help them understand the tasks.

I was tired of seeing the same babyish activities and content for Middle School Core French so I listened to them and their interests. Ta-da!

In this document, you'll find:

  • Basic vocabulary introduction to Space,
  • Message du matin on "Ma planète préférée",
  • Quick class survey on "Ma planète préférée",
  • A listening activity on "quel temps fait-il dans l'espace?" for all 8 planets with a fill-in-the-blanks activity to keep their attention,
  • A "Cache-cache" game with the 8 planets (whole group activity),
  • A game: "Toucher l'image" with the 8 planets (whole group activity),
  • A cut & paste activity on our solar system,
  • An activity for students to research planets and to colour in a template,
  • An activity for students to invent their own planet,
  • Mots-cachés espace,
  • A colouring page,
  • A space maze,
  • A colour & cut puzzle,
  • Space trivia,
  • Space Bingo with call-out cards with 11 different Bingo cards.

If your students are tired of the same run-of-the-mill worksheets and readings from resource books that no longer suit the demographic, they might also enjoy:

  • My Food Truck
  • My Bento Box
  • Celebrity Trivia
  • Cache-Cache Numérique