"Architect" - A Cooperation, Team Building, + Creative Thinking Activity!
By Jeni Donath
"Building" a safe, healthy, and happy learning environment starts with the people that we share it with! In this activity, students take on the opportunity of working effectively with others, thinking creatively, communicating respectfully, and cooperation with others all built into one activity! This is a blast for the whole class - all while focusing on so many important SEL skills. This activity includes minimal preparation yet all the benefits of so many social emotional learning skills to build (pun intended!) My students did not want this activity to end!!
Looking for more interactive activities to do with your class? Check out the links below!
Kindness Activity - The Impact of our Words (Upper Elementary)
Kindness "Hot Potato" - Interactive SEL Lesson (Multiple Grade Levels)
Leadership Activity - "Jumping Ships!" (Upper Elementary)
By Jeni Donath
The Book of... sometimes ridiculous but also sometimes funny and waaaay better than doing coursework... Icebreakers! This ice break collection can be used for all school aged children and gives a wide variety of options for different classroom personalities and expectations!