5th Grade Grammar Lesson

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Sorts and Games

By Miss Clever Cookie

Sorting activities and games to teach comparatives and superlatives.

* 1 Kinetic activity - sort by rule

* 1 Colour by rule sheet

* 6 Find the path sheets - sort by rule

* 1 Board game

* 1 Tic Tac Toe sheet

List of Materials and Instructions

1. Grammar Overview

2. Adjective Sorting Game

2 ways to play:

* a sit-down activity - print out, cut up

Children draw an adjective from a receptacle and place it on the right plate.

* a kinetic activity (great for lively classes) -print out two sets, cut up, laminate

  • divide students into two teams
  • place the plates at one end of the classroom and the receptacles with adjectives at the opposite end of the classroom
  • children pick an adjective and run and place it on the correct plate and run back
  • they high-five the next team member in line and only then can the next player pick an adjective and run to the plates
  • the competition ends when all the adjectives have been placed
  • the team which scores the most points (= placed the most adjectives right) wins

3. Colour by Rule worksheet + key

4. 6 Find the Right Path worksheets + keys

5. Board Game

You need counters and dices. To be played in pairs or small groups. If you teach a larger group, print out a few of them.

3 ways to play:

* pupils say the comparative and superlative of the adjective

* pupils form a comparative / superlative and add a suitable noun

* pupils form a sentence

If they make a mistake or don't know, they lose their turn and have to return back to the square they previously stood on.

6. Tic Tac Toe

To be played in pairs. In order to write their Xs and Os, pupils have to write the

comparative and superlative on the line. If they don't know, they have to choose a different square. If they make a mistake, they lose their turn.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You might also like:

Opposite Adjectives - Antonyms

Adjectives vs Adverbs Kaboom! Game (also called Zap or Bam); incl. worksheets


FREE Sample - Year Long Grammar Packet

By Fortunate in Fifth Grade

Grab the FREE sample packet of my Full Year Weekly Grammar Packets before you buy!

If you like this sample then you will love the bundle! This bundle includes a printable packet for 6 units with 3 mini-lessons, 3 practice sheets, and answer keys as shown in this sample. Each unit (6 full units) has 5 weeks of skills for your student to practice giving you a full year of grammar! These grammar skills do follow McGraw Hill Wonders for 5th grade however the grammar skills are your standard grammar skills taught in upper elementary.

The Full Year Weekly Grammar Skills included:

  • Sentences
  • Subject/Predicate
  • Commas
  • Compound Sentences and Conjunctions
  • Complex Sentences and Sentence Combining
  • Run on Sentences/Fragments
  • Common and Proper Nouns
  • Singular and Plural Nouns
  • Collective Nouns
  • Possessive Nouns
  • Prepositional Phrases
  • Action Verbs
  • Verb Tenses
  • Main and Helping Verbs
  • Linking Verbs
  • Irregular Verbs
  • Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Kinds of Pronouns
  • Homographs
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Pronouns and Homophones
  • Independent and Dependent Clauses
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Negatives

Also, follow me and be notified when new products are uploaded.





Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Writing

By Beth Hammett

Make learning prepositions and prepositional phrases fun and easy with this visual writing presentation. 13 pages/slides of active learning strategies for understanding and using prepositions and prepositional phrases along with commas. Includes: Definitions Poem Preposition List Preposition Chair Activity Preposition Walk around the School Campus Easy to use tips Prepositional Phrases Commas and Prepositions Lots of color coded, visual writing examples Practice activities for individual/small/whole group Peer Workshopping Easy for students to follow and use. Great for fllipped classrooms and homeschools. Activities can be used individually or in small or whole group settings. A stimulating visual learning approach to help students understand prepositions and phrases.



By French Made Fun!

Cela part des bases et permettra à vos élèves de développer des compétences liées au verbe « faire » au présent de l'indicatif.

Cette unité vous guidera pour enseigner ce verbe et ce temps à vos élèves de niveau débutant et pourrait convenir aux élèves de français de base ou comme révision pour les élèves plus âgés (3e cycle, si nécessaire!)

Dans cette ressource de 63 pages, je couvre :

  • Utilisations authentiques et réelles du verbe ;
  • Guide du débutant sur les pronoms singuliers et pluriels ;
  • Formalité des pronoms ;
  • La négation au présent ;
  • Les pronoms sujets et leurs équivalents ;
  • Règles de conjugaison simplifiées.

Les élèves apprennent grâce à une combinaison de diapositives didactiques, de discussions et d'incitations, de jeux et de feuilles de travail imprimables. Clés de correction incluses.

Que vous soyez un nouvel enseignant peu familiarisé avec les concepts mathématiques, un enseignant chevronné qui est juste fatigué, ou peut-être un enseignant couvrant un contrat à court terme et ne sachant pas par où commencer, mes produits sont faits pour vous et vos élèves.

Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.


Sentence Grammar Practice FREEBIE

By Sign with me TOD

In this product, students will identify sentence and sentence fragments, write the correct end punctuation for each sentence, label each sentence declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory, identify each simple subjects and simple predicate.

Full Product Link:

In the full product, students will identify sentence and sentence fragments, write the correct end punctuation for each sentence, label each sentence declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory, identify each complete subject and compete predicate, simple subjects, simple predicate, identify conjunctions in a paragraph, rewrite short sentences as compound sentences and use conjunctions in sentences, and correct run on sentences.


You may also be interested in the following:

Singular and Plural Nouns Sentences Workbook Review


Parts of Speech Vocabulary and Sentence Review Workbooks


Nouns Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Pronouns Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Adjectives Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Verbs Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Adverbs Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Prepositions Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Conjunctions Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Interjections Vocabulary Word and Sentence Review Workbooks


Adjectives Sentence Review:


Adverbs Sentence Review:


Verbs Sentence Review:


Contractions Grammar Practice:


Sentence Grammar Worksheets:



Bell Ringer-Vocabulary Word of the Day, Activities, Graphic Organizers PPT

By Kiwious About Vocab

Enhance student language skills with 15 Word of the Day digital activities. Boost reading, speaking, and writing abilities. The engaging lessons will grow vocabulary and improve communication .

LEVEL 5 is ideal for upper elementary, ELL and ESL classrooms.

The predictable and repetitive format of this Word of the Day is perfect to set students up for success. The class will know what to expect each day and in what order which makes classroom procedures run much more efficiently.

These vocabulary words are commonly found in student reading materials. The Word of the Day will empower your students to build confidence in speaking, writing, and develop a deeper understanding of the English language.

Each page features:

  • Vibrant Vocab slides (look at above thumbnail for vocabulary words )

-bold photos appear without word for inference making

-vocab word 'slides in' so photo can be first WITHOUT the word

-part of speech

-concise definition

  • Use the vocabulary word in a sentence slide

  • **Quizlet practice link-**practice independently or as a whole class before the assessment

  • **Grammar and Connotation Sort-**display the sort and have students put the vocabulary words into the correct category

PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.

What skills do Word of the Day Activities cover?

*Greater understanding of the English language

*Word meaning

*Correct word usage

*Parts of speech



*Proper pronunciation

*Critical thinking skills

Endless uses in the classroom:

*Group discussions

*Guide a study group

*Prompt a writing piece

*Word Wall

*Printables for interactive notebook

*Word of the Day




4th Grade Clauses & Complex Sentences Grammar & Writing No Prep ELA Lesson Plan

By That One Cheerful Classroom

Make teaching writing and grammar easy with this engaging, clauses and complex sentences lesson and activities! This set includes 5 days of lesson plans, guided grammar notes, instructional slides, and so much more perfect for teaching your students the best way to combine independent and dependent clauses with subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences in their writing.

Lead your students to explore the use of complex sentences in writing by exploring it with a mentor sentence, writing imitation sentences, and then looking at their own writing to determine where they can improve and where they're doing well. Students will love having an example to look at and will improve their writing and grammar skills when they are put together instead of being taught in isolation.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Lesson Flowchart
  • 5 Days of Lesson Plans
  • 15 Instructional Slides for both PowerPoint and Google Slides
  • Differentiated Student Practice Activity
  • Guided Grammar Notes
  • Answer Keys
  • Imitation Sentences Practice Page
  • Revising and Editing Checklist
  • Assessment
  • Grading Rubric
  • Suggestions for Using the Rubric
  • Grammar Skill Recording Chart

Skills Covered:

  • Independent Clauses
  • Dependent Clauses
  • Relative Pronouns
  • Relative Adverbs
  • Complex Sentences
  • Subordinating Conjunctions

Your students will love the variety of activities and the real world situation of using grammar in context. You'll stop hearing the dreaded question of, "When am I ever going to use this in real life?"

All of the activities use materials readily available.

Prep is quick and easy... Just print the student pages, gather the materials listed, display the presentation, and you're ready for an engaging and easy class!


Copyright © That One Cheerful Classroom.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


End Punctuation Marks and Writing Activities

By Beth Hammett

Make end mark punctuation easy to use for students! 13 slide pdf has student examples, peer workshopping activities, tips for writer as reader, reading with emotion, clarity, and meaning, as well as dangling and misplaced modifiers.Includes "Dear Jack" letter as a fun punctuation piece and "That Is" to get students to think about how punctuation affects meaning.Also, comes with Peer Workshopping End Punctuation Mark Check List handout.Great for introducing basic skills for emergent writers or for reviewing basic skills for test prep. Meets CCSS ELA.



By French Made Fun!

Cela part des bases et permettra à vos élèves de développer des compétences liées au temps de verbe « passé composé ».

Cette unité vous guidera pour enseigner ce temps de verbe à vos élèves de niveau débutant et pourrait convenir aux élèves de français de base ou comme révision pour les élèves plus âgés (3e cycle, si nécessaire!)

Dans cette ressource de 55 pages, je couvre :

  • Utilisations authentiques et réelles du temps de verbe ;
  • Règles sur ce temps de verbe et quand l'utiliser ;
  • La conjugaison de ce temps de verbe ; 
  • Les concepts de « radical » et « terminaisons » ;
  • Trucs et astuces (Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp & La maison d'être) ;
  • Les auxiliaires avoir et être ;
  • Les trois temps verbaux ; 
  • Survol des pronoms ;
  • Mots et expressions de signalisation (pour l'imparfait et le passé composé pour montrer les similitudes et différences).

Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.


Deaf Education: Using Nouns in Sentences - Examples and Practice

By Sign with me TOD

This product emphasizes nouns. Examples of people, places, and things are provided in this packet along with pictures. Students are required to make up two simple or detailed sentences about each noun provided. Students can do this independently or with support.

You may also be interested in the following:

Deaf Education - ASL and English Nouns Vocabulary Workbook and Review


Deaf Education - ASL and English School Vocabulary Workbook and Review

Deaf Education - ASL and English Emergency Vocabulary Workbook and Review

Deaf Education Story - American Sign Language Story - Signing with Oliver Story


Deaf Education - Writing Characters, Plot, and Setting Ideas


Deaf Education Self Advocacy Social Stories


Quotation Marks in Dialogue:


The Verb Be Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns in Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


There, They're and Their Practice, Review, and Examples:


Common and Proper Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Common-and-Proper-Nouns-Review-and-Examples-8721303

Writing Tips for Confusing Words:


Was and Were Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Is and Are Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Characters Settings, and Plot Ideas for Writing:


Singular and Plural Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


If you download this product and like it, please leave me a positive review! :)


Bell Ringer-Vocabulary Word of the Day-Level 4, PowerPoint. & printables

By Kiwious About Vocab

Enhance student language skills with 15 Word of the Day digital activities. Boost reading, speaking, and writing abilities. The engaging lessons will grow vocabulary and improve communication .

LEVEL 4 is ideal for upper elementary, ELL and ESL classrooms.

The predictable and repetitive format of this Word of the Day is perfect to set students up for success. The class will know what to expect each day and in what order which makes classroom procedures run much more efficiently.

These vocabulary words are commonly found in student reading materials. The Word of the Day will empower your students to build confidence in speaking, writing, and develop a deeper understanding of the English language.

Each page features:

  • Vibrant Vocab slides (look at above thumbnail for vocabulary words )

-bold photos appear without word for inference making

-vocab word 'slides in' so photo can be first WITHOUT the word

-part of speech

-concise definition

  • Use the vocabulary word in a sentence slide

  • **Quizlet practice link-**practice independently or as a whole class before the assessment

  • **Grammar and Connotation Sort-**display the sort and have students put the vocabulary words into the correct category

PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.

What skills do Word of the Day Activities cover?

*Greater understanding of the English language

*Word meaning

*Correct word usage

*Parts of speech



*Proper pronunciation

*Critical thinking skills

Endless uses in the classroom:

*Group discussions

*Guide a study group

*Prompt a writing piece

*Word Wall

*Printables for interactive notebook

*Word of the Day




4th Grade Run On Sentences Grammar & Writing No Prep ELA Lesson Plan Worksheets

By That One Cheerful Classroom

Make teaching writing and grammar easy with this engaging, run-on sentences lesson and activities! This set includes 5 days of lesson plans, guided grammar notes, instructional slides, and so much more perfect for teaching your students the best way to avoid using fragments and run-on sentences in their writing and use complete sentences instead.

Lead your students to explore the use of complete sentences in writing by exploring it with a mentor sentence, writing imitation sentences, and then looking at their own writing to determine where they can improve and where they're doing well. Students will love having an example to look at and will improve their writing and grammar skills when they are put together instead of being taught in isolation.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Lesson Flowchart
  • 5 Days of Lesson Plans
  • 15 Instructional Slides for both PowerPoint and Google Slides
  • Differentiated Student Practice Activity
  • Guided Grammar Notes
  • Answer Keys
  • Imitation Sentences Practice Page
  • Revising and Editing Checklist
  • Assessment
  • Grading Rubric
  • Suggestions for Using the Rubric
  • Grammar Skill Recording Chart

Skills Covered:

  • Sentence Fragments
  • Run-On Sentences
  • Complete Sentences
  • Coordinating Conjunctions

Your students will love the variety of activities and the real world situation of using grammar in context. You'll stop hearing the dreaded question of, "When am I ever going to use this in real life?"

All of the activities use materials readily available.

Prep is quick and easy... Just print the student pages, gather the materials listed, display the presentation, and you're ready for an engaging and easy class!


Copyright © That One Cheerful Classroom.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Semi-Colons, Colons, Dashes, Hyphens (Writing)

By Beth Hammett

Introduce Semi-Colons, Colons, Dashes, and Hyphens with this 14 slide presentation. Includes: definitions examples practice sentences peer workshopping component comprehension checkpoint & answers extra resources This PowerPoint gives students everything they need to successfully use each of the "Other Punctuation Marks" within their essays! Easy to read and follow with color-coded examples. Can be used for ELL/GT/AP and flipped classrooms. Meets CCSS guidelines.



By French Made Fun!

Les années COVID ont fait que mes grands ont pris beaucoup de retard en ce qui concerne les conventions et les verbes français. Je trouve que je dois revenir en arrière dans mes instructions et mes attentes. Ce document est le premier d'une longue série qui réintroduit lentement et rappelle aux élèves quelques notions de base sur les verbes.

* Core French teachers: this could work for intermediate students! *

Dans les diapositives de cette présentation pédagogique, vos élèves auront la possibilité de partager et de pratiquer à la fois de manière indépendante et en petits groupes les notions et concepts tels que:

  • les pronoms,
  • les noms et terminaisons singuliers et pluriels,
  • la conversion du singulier au pluriel (et vice versa),
  • la conjugaison des verbes en -er au présent,
  • la différence avec le présent, le passé et temps futur.

Cette ressource comprend également un jeu amusant pour amener les élèves à réfléchir aux noms pluriels et singuliers.

Vous recherchez un produit de temps de verbe ou de grammaire spécifique ? Veuillez m'envoyer un message afin que je puisse créer des produits utiles pour vous et vos élèves.

Comme tous mes produits, ils ne cessent de s'améliorer et de grandir. L'achat de l'un de mes produits signifie que vous aurez un accès complet à toutes les améliorations et ajouts futurs au produit.

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!


Deaf Education - Writing Tips for Confusing Words - Adapted

By Sign with me TOD

As our Deaf/hard of hearing/ELL students are completing written assignments, little words/parts of speech that are commonly confused when writing such as is, are, was, were, have, had, do, did, the, and a are emphasized in this product. Students are provided with differences between each word, examples of each word used in a sentence, and students have the opportunity to write a sentence using each word.

You may also be interested in the following:

Deaf Education - ASL and English Nouns Vocabulary Workbook and Review


Deaf Education - ASL and English School Vocabulary Workbook and Review https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Deaf-Education-ASL-and-English-School-Vocabulary-Workbook-and-Review-11598443

Deaf Education - ASL and English Emergency Vocabulary Workbook and Review https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Deaf-Education-ASL-and-English-Emergency-Vocabulary-Workbook-and-Review-11598569

Deaf Education Story - American Sign Language Story - Signing with Oliver Story


Deaf Education - Writing Characters, Plot, and Setting Ideas


Deaf Education Self Advocacy Social Stories


Quotation Marks in Dialogue:


The Verb Be Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns in Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


There, They're and Their Practice, Review, and Examples:


Common and Proper Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Common-and-Proper-Nouns-Review-and-Examples-8721303

Writing Tips for Confusing Words:


Was and Were Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Is and Are Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Characters Settings, and Plot Ideas for Writing:


Singular and Plural Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


If you download this product and like it, please leave me a positive review! :)


Bell Ringer- Vocabulary Word of the Day & printables Powerpoint. Level 7

By Kiwious About Vocab

Enhance student language skills with 15 Word of the Day digital activities. Boost reading, speaking, and writing abilities. The engaging lessons will grow vocabulary and improve communication .

LEVEL 7 is ideal for upper elementary and middle school, ELL and ESL classrooms.

The predictable and repetitive format of this Word of the Day is perfect to set students up for success. The class will know what to expect each day and in what order which makes classroom procedures run much more efficiently.

These vocabulary words are commonly found in student reading materials. The Word of the Day will empower your students to build confidence in speaking, writing, and develop a deeper understanding of the English language.

Each page features:

  • Vibrant Vocab slides (look at above thumbnail for vocabulary words )

-bold photos appear without word for inference making

-vocab word 'slides in' so photo can be first WITHOUT the word

-part of speech

-concise definition

  • Use the vocabulary word in a sentence slide

  • **Quizlet practice link-**practice independently or as a whole class before the assessment

  • **Grammar and Connotation Sort-**display the sort and have students put the vocabulary words into the correct category

PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.

What skills do Word of the Day Activities cover?

*Greater understanding of the English language

*Word meaning

*Correct word usage

*Parts of speech



*Proper pronunciation

*Critical thinking skills

Endless uses in the classroom:

*Group discussions

*Guide a study group

*Prompt a writing piece

*Word Wall

*Printables for interactive notebook

*Word of the Day




Capital Letters

By Beth Hammett

The 20 slide PowerPoint with peer workshopping activities introduces: Sentences: beginnings, dialogues Proper Nouns: people, I, my Specific Places and Dates: General vs. Specific, Days of Week/Month, Holidays Everyday Life: Organizations, Companies, Institutions, Specific Products, Aircrafts, Ships, Spaceships, Ethnic Names, Languages, Nationalizations, Religions Extra Resources Examples are given so students can follow authors' imitations. Easy explanations of color-coded rules and guidelines for using capital letters sentences and essays. Peer workshopping activities help reinforce capital letter rules.



By French Made Fun!

Transformez l'écriture de vos élèves avec notre ressource complète sur la structure des phrases !

Ce guide détaillé est conçu pour fournir aux enseignants les outils nécessaires pour améliorer la compréhension et l'utilisation des structures de phrases par les élèves.

Ce qui est inclus dans la version complète :

  • 7 mini-leçons approfondies : Plongez dans divers aspects de la structure des phrases avec des leçons progressives qui couvrent tout, des phrases simples aux phrases complexes.
  • Affiches pédagogiques détaillées : Utilisez des aides visuelles pratiques qui aident les élèves à comprendre et à se souvenir des concepts importants. Les affiches sont parfaites pour être affichées en classe ou comme référence rapide pendant les leçons.
  • Exemples modélisés : Des exemples clairs et compréhensibles sont fournis pour chaque leçon, démontrant l'utilisation correcte des structures de phrases. Ces modèles servent de guides pratiques pour les élèves.
  • Activités interactives : Engagez vos élèves avec des exercices pratiques qui renforcent les concepts appris. Les activités sont conçues pour être interactives et stimulantes, encourageant les élèves à appliquer leurs connaissances.
  • Matériaux supplémentaires : Recevez des ressources supplémentaires pour enrichir vos leçons et soutenir l'apprentissage continu des élèves. Cela inclut des fiches de travail, des exercices de renforcement, et des activités de groupe.

Cette ressource complète est idéale pour les enseignants cherchant à améliorer la compétence en écriture de leurs élèves. Avec des leçons structurées et des outils pédagogiques efficaces, vous serez bien équipé pour guider vos élèves vers la maîtrise de la structure des phrases.

Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & Conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn


Action Verb Sentences - Practice & Review - K - 2nd Grade

By Sign with me TOD

This product is made for:

  • adapting instruction
  • differentiating instruction
  • on level learners
  • struggling writers
  • struggling readers
  • Deaf Education
  • Homework
  • Classwork
  • Homeschooling
  • Bell Work
  • Virtual Instruction
  • Remote Instruction

This product was made to help students see the difference in the following present tense common action verbs:

eat, eats, eating, run, runs, running, jump, jumps, jumping, drink, drinks, drinking, walk, walks, walking, chop, chops, chopping, sing, sings, singing, act, acts, acting, kick, kicks, kicking, mix. mixes, and mixing.

Students can complete this product with 1:1 support or independently. This product is a great review to help remind students to write in the correct tense. Example sentences using each tense of the word are provided. Lines are provided under each example for students to make up their own sentences.

You may also like these products:

Action Verb Fill in the Blanks Practice and Review – K – 2nd Grade


Action Verb Fill in the Blanks Practice and Review - 3rd – 5th  Grade


Action Verb Sentences Practice and Review – 3rd – 5th Grade


Action Verb Sentences Practice and Review – 6th – 8th Grade


Common English Verbs Present, Past, and Future Tense Review


Irregular Verbs Sentence Practice


If you download this product and you like it, please leave me a positive review. :)


Delivering Justice by J.Haskins short Story Background Info & Vocab Introduction

By Kiwious About Vocab

."Delivering Justice W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights" biography by Jim Haskins: This introductory Google Slide lesson provides digital pre-reading information for the story’s author and genre. Bold photo visuals and engaging video clips support the story details. The lesson includes an in-depth vocabulary study, practice, assessment, and printable organizers.

This standard-aligned material is for use with whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual/homeschool classrooms

Google Slides:

1. **Author Biography** We provide author biographies for each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the story in the context of the author's life experience.

2. **Setting**Highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links allowing students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time-period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.

3.**Bold Photos: ** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.

4. **Vocab with Concise Definitions and Part of Speech: ** Our lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context. Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.

Vibrant Vocab slides (mistreated, fulfill, registered, encouragement, qualified, boycott, protest, injustice)

5.**Quizlet Practice Link ** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.

6. **Fun Fact Images and Videos** These features highlight unique elements of the text to aid comprehension**(W.W. Law and the American civil Rights Movement and the NAACP)**


Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing printable worksheets to be used with the lesson!

**Grammar Sort**

Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.

**Connotation Sort**

Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.

**Context Clues Sentences, Word Bank and Key: **

Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.

**Vocabulary Organizer**

This worksheet allows the students to infer the meaning from the animated vocabulary slide. After students complete the organizer, it is a great reference sheet.

**Synonym and Antonym Word Study**

The graphic organizer allows the students to explore the variations in meaning of the new vocabulary word.


· Introduce new story

· Provide backstory to text

· Stimulate group discussion

· Create predictions about text

· Use as distance learning resource

· Post on webpage for review

· Add to electronic notebooks

· Provide test review

· Prompt Writing or Research assignments

· Grammar study / parts of speech

· Discuss Word Connotation

Please be sure to view the preview and watch the video for detailed images and descriptions of the lesson.

This lesson is also available in PowerPoint.


-From Kiwious About Vocab!
