Creation Bible Story Activity Flip Book for Christian Sunday School
By Teaching Dinos
Looking for an engaging Bible activity on the 7 Days of Creation Bible story? You'll love this In the Beginning Bible Story Flip Book! This Bible activity is the perfect resource for parents, Sunday School teachers, or Christian homeschoolers looking to teach children about the Biblical story of God's creation all the way from Day 1 to Day 7 in a fun and educational way.
Along with your Bible Activity Flip Book, you'll receive a list of tips and ideas of how to implement this flip book into your classroom. Each day features the full text from Genesis 1-2:3, along with coloring pages that children can work on as you read each day aloud. I give you ideas of how you can use the text with children, including discussion questions based on each day.
This Flip Book is versatile for numerous ages. For early elementary, children can color and listen. For middle and upper elementary, you can use the tips and ideas included to dig deeper into the text and have children interact with the text with highlighting and underlining. Discussion questions can be used with all ages.
This 7 Days of Creation flip book Bible activity includes the following:
1. Title Page
2. Day 1 - Light and Darkness
3. Day 2 - Waters Above & Below
4. Day 3 - Land, Sea, & Plants
5. Day 4 - Sun, Moon, & Stars
6. Day 5 - Sea Creatures & Birds
7. Day 6 & 7 - Man & Animals, and God Rests
★★This Bible lesson is not editable.★★
Where can you use this flip book?
➜ Sunday School
➜ VBS – Vacation Bible School
➜ Homeschool
➜ Christian Schools
Statement of Faith:
I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. I believe that Jesus is fully God and fully human, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and paid the penalty for our sins through his death on the cross, resurrected on the third day having victory over death. I believe in the trinity, that God is existent in 3 separate persons - God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe, as Calvary Chapel states, “that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord.”
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Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TeachShare. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!!
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Check out the Teaching Dinos Blog HERE
Please email me at if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!
Little Red Riding Hood Kids Yoga and Fitness Fairy Tale Story Script
By Stephanie Smith
This is a SUPER FUN kids yoga story script designed yoga instructors, early childhood educators educators, parents, and/or librarians with basic knowledge of kids yoga poses to easily incorporate yoga, mindfulness, and self-regulation skills into the story. This is a great way to combine literacy with physical fitness while using a familiar story kids love!
This is a very candy-coated version of the classic fairytale designed to help young children develop valuable learning lessons and life skills:
✔ Always listen to parents and teachers.
✔ Never talk to strangers.
✔ It's important to good choices.
✔ We should always try to eat healthy.
This resource is great for:
⭐ Children's Yoga Classes
⭐ Mindful Moments
⭐ Brain Breaks
⭐ Sensory & Movement Breaks
⭐ Therapy (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy)
⭐ Gym Class
⭐ Transitions
⭐ Indoor Recess
⭐ Morning Group
⭐ Rainy Day Activities
⭐ Calm-Down Time
Physical Benefits of Yoga:
⛹ Helps Build Strength, Balance, and Coordination
⛹ Aides in Maintaining Flexibility
⛹ Relaxes and Helps Alleviate Stress
⛹ Teaches Children Self-Awareness
⛹ Increases Body Awareness & Overall Muscle Tone
⛹ Great for Warming-Up Before Sports
⛹ Helps Children Channel their Energy
Emotional & Mental Benefits of Yoga:
❤️ Increased Confidence
❤️ Encourages Mindfulness
❤️ Helps Steady Emotions, Reduce Anxiety & Stress
❤️ Teaches Self-Regulation & Calming Techniques
❤️ Non-Competitive & Non-Judgmental- Helps Kids feel Valued & Accepted
❤️ It’s All-Inclusive- Children Participate at their own Comfort Level
❤️ Teaches Self-Discipline & Reduces Impulsivity
❤️ Helps Children Manage their Anxiety
❤️ Aides in Developing Emotional Regulation Skills
❤️ Enhances Children’s Memory & Concentration
❤️ Teaches Self-Acceptance
❤️ Helps Boosts Children’s Self-Esteem & Supports Positive Mental Health
Check Out Some of my Other Fun Products & Resources:
Breathing Activities
Calming Strategies
Children's Book Activity Sets
Mindfulness Activities
Kids Yoga Activity Sets
Kids Yoga Coloring Pages
Kids Yoga Games
Kids Yoga Pose Cards
Kids Yoga Story Scripts
➯ CLICK HERE to follow my store to be alerted of new products.
➯ Don't forget to leave feedback, so you can receive TeachShare credits that can be used on future purchases!
This product is for educational purposes and all activities are performed at your own risk. Kids Adventure Yoga claims no liability for any injuries that may occur from engaging in activities or ideas in any purchased or free resources. Adult supervision is recommended for every activity featured in the products. Please decide based on each individual activity if it is appropriate for the children.
Purchase of this product (free or paid) entitles the purchaser the right to use this product in a classroom, studio, or for home use only. This is just meant for your own
use and no part of this product may be shared or resold commercially.
You may not broadcast copy, alter, adapt, modify, change, or translate this product in any form. You may not represent that you have created or originated any portion of this product. You may not film or record yourself performing or re-creating any portion of this product for public display, publication, broadcast, or to place on the Internet. You may record performances using this product on private sites only your students can access. All rights to this product are fully retained by the publisher: Kids Adventure Yoga.
Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website or blog) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
© Kids Adventure Yoga via Stephanie Smith. All rights reserved.
Fruit of The Spirit Bible Flip Book Craft Activity for Christian Sunday School
By Teaching Dinos
Looking for an engaging Bible flip book activity on the Fruit of the Spirit based on Galatians 5:22-23? You'll love this Fruit of The Spirit Flip Book! This Bible activity is the perfect resource for parents, Sunday School teachers, or Christian homeschoolers looking to teach children about the Fruit of the Spirit in a fun and educational way.
There are two flip book options differentiated by ability: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 focuses on tracing, drawing, and counting activities, along with a maze and a color-by-number. Level 2 features more advanced activities centered on reading and writing, as well as a maze and a color-by-number.
The level 1 flip book includes the following:
1. Title Page
2. Galatians 5:22-23
3. Faithfulness - Read and trace Bible names.
4. Goodness & Love - Apple Maze
5. Peace & Patience - Trace the words "Peace" & "Patience".
6. Gentleness & Joy - Write or draw an example of gentleness and complete a color-by-number (2 options, BW or Color - showing only the codes colors).
7. Kindness & Self-Control - Count and write the number of grapes in the box. Identify & color the picture showing self control.
The level 2 flip book includes the following:
1. Title Page
2. Galatians 5:22-23
3. Faithfulness - Write Bible names of those who have shown faithfulness.
4. Goodness & Love - Apple Maze
5. Peace & Patience - Circle words & phrases that describe peace and patience.
6. Gentleness & Joy - Write or draw an example of gentleness and complete a color-by-number (2 options, BW or Color - showing only the codes colors).
7. Kindness & Self-Control - Write names of people you can show kindness to inside the grapes. Identify which picture demonstrates the children showing self control.
★★This Bible flip book is not editable.★★
Where can you use this flip book?
➜ Sunday School
➜ VBS – Vacation Bible School
➜ Homeschool
➜ Christian Schools
Statement of Faith:
I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. I believe that Jesus is fully God and fully human, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and paid the penalty for our sins through his death on the cross, resurrected on the third day having victory over death. I believe in the trinity, that God is existent in 3 separate persons - God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe, as Calvary Chapel states, “that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord.”
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• Simeon & Anna See Jesus Bible Activity Flip Book for Christian Sunday School
• Birth of Jesus BUNDLE of Bible Story Lesson & Activities for Kids
⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐
Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TeachShare. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!!
Follow Teaching Dinos on Pinterest HERE
Follow Teaching Dinos on Instagram HERE
Check out the Teaching Dinos Blog HERE
Please email me at if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!