Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE Reflection and Discussion Q's
By Class Plus
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This presentation is designed for children to connect the history of Pearl Harbor and relate it to their own lives. This resource approaches this historical event through reflection and learning with the goal of promoting peace and dialogue, even in the face of differences. This amazing resource offers an excellent opportunity to present and develop unique, real-life ideas for our students.
Each slide provides a straightforward, child-friendly description of the history and the most significant facts related to what happened in Pearl Harbor. Additionally, it helps children understand the concept of conflict's historical and contemporary existence, emphasizing the importance of its prevention and solution.
Your students will find this event easy to comprehend and will be able to learn unique lessons from it for their lives.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Enjoy this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Resource!
Pearl Harbor Collection BUNDLE SPANISH VERSION, PPT, Escritura, lectura y Craft
By Class Plus
Este paquete Pearl Harbor está diseñado para enriquecer la comprensión de los estudiantes a través de la reflexión, el pensamiento crítico y actividades atractivas. Este conjunto de recursos, todo en uno, es perfecto para los maestros que deseen dar vida a la historia de una forma muy simple en su clase. La colección comienza con una presentación informativa en PowerPoint que capta la atención de los estudiantes a la vez que cubre detalles históricos clave. Acompañada de preguntas para la reflexión y el debate, esta presentación prepara el terreno para una exploración más profunda y un pensamiento crítico sobre Pearl Harbor. Es una forma ideal de iniciar debates significativos en clase y de involucrar a los estudiantes en un análisis reflexivo.
La actividad del Día de Pearl Harbor ofrece un enfoque polifacético del aprendizaje. Este recurso combina la lectura, la escritura, el dibujo y las manualidades para garantizar una comprensión profunda de Pearl Harbor.
La actividad de escritura reflexiva sobre Pearl Harbor anima a los estudiantes a procesar sus conocimientos a través de la escritura reflexiva y las manualidades. Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a articular sus pensamientos sobre Pearl Harbor, promoviendo una conexión personal con los acontecimientos históricos y profundizando su comprensión.
Este paquete no sólo proporciona un enfoque completo para la enseñanza de Pearl Harbor, sino que también promueve el pensamiento crítico al desafiar a los estudiantes a reflexionar y comprometerse con la historia. Transforma tus lecciones sobre Pearl Harbor con este atractivo y reflexivo paquete y dale vida a la historia en tu clase hoy mismo.
Esta colección incluye:
¡Disfruta con tus estudiantes de esta colección del Día de Pearl Harbor!
Black History Month PPT BUNDLE GS & PDF with Reflection and Discussion Questions
By Class Plus
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Black History Month PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This presentation aims to explain in a simple, reflective, and child-friendly manner the true meaning of BHM to children. Each slide is designed for students to understand and relate history to their reality and experiences. Engage your students in the history of BHM through these slides; they will have the opportunity to clarify and reflect on everything this implies. Help them understand why it is important to preserve and honor this date.
The objective of this presentation is to inspire children to follow the example provided by each of the figures of BHM, understanding why courage, resilience, and leadership are essential in life to achieve their dreams.
Children will learn to value and respect not only their own culture but also that of others. They will discover the reasons behind this event and its purpose.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Happy Black History Month, and Enjoy teaching your kids beyond the facts!
Racism Skin Color and Antiracism PowerPoint BUNDLE with Discussion Questions
By Class Plus
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Racism Skin Color, Antracism PowerPoint Presentation. This comprehensive educational resource simplifies teaching about racism, anti-racism, and racial justice, offering a time-saving solution for you. It equips students with a profound understanding of racism and the importance of promoting equality and racial justice from an early age. The resource includes critical thinking questions and reflection prompts that guide students in recognizing their role in fostering a more equitable society. By encouraging proactive engagement and self-reflection, this resource provides essential tools for addressing racism and advocating for social change, empowering students to contribute effectively to a just and inclusive world.
By using this resource, you will help your students:
This resource supports your teaching by guiding students to see the importance of their role in creating a more equitable society. It encourages a proactive approach to understanding and addressing racism, equipping them with the tools to make a difference.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Enjoy Teaching Racial Equality and Anti-Racism!
Racismo, Color de Piel, Antirracismo Collection BUNDLE PPT, Worksheets and Craft
By Class Plus
Este paquete esencial sobre Racismo y Antirracismo proporciona un conjunto poderoso de recursos para ayudar a los niños a comprender conceptos complejos como el racismo, el color de piel y el antirracismo de una manera apropiada para su edad. Incluye una presentacion en PowerPoint, hojas de trabajo interactivas y una actividad de autorretrato que fomenta la empatía y la auto-reflexión. Con estas herramientas podrás guiar a los estudiantes en la comprensión de la igualdad, el respeto y la importancia de defenderse contra el racismo.
¿Por Qué Usar Este Recurso?
Enseñar a los niños sobre el racismo y la igualdad sienta las bases para un mundo más inclusivo. Este paquete te proporciona los materiales para facilitar discusiones honestas y significativas sobre las diferencias raciales, la empatía y la justicia, creando un espacio seguro para que los estudiantes exploren sus propias identidades y aprendan a valorar a los demás. Estas actividades no solo fomentan la conciencia, sino también un compromiso con el respeto que los estudiantes podrán llevar adelante en sus vidas.
¿Qué Habilidades Desarrollan los Estudiantes con Este Recurso?
Este paquete sobre Racismo, Color de Piel y Antirracismo no solo enseña, sino que inspira a los jóvenes a construir un mundo que valore a cada individuo por igual. Perfecto para educadores dedicados a fomentar un futuro basado en el respeto y la inclusión.
Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos:
¡Disfruta de la enseñanza de la igualdad racial!
Mental Health PPT PDF and GS BUNDLE, Reflection & Discussion Questions, SEL
By Class Plus
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This mental health resource is designed to build emotional intelligence and resilience in students. Each slide delivers essential mental health concepts in a clear, engaging, and age-appropriate way. Featuring critical thinking questions, this resource promotes dynamic classroom discussions and deep reflection, enhancing student engagement and comprehension. The essential thinking prompts also encourage students to connect personal experiences with the lessons, applying mental health strategies effectively in their lives.
By using this presentation, teachers can create a supportive classroom environment where discussions about feelings, self-esteem, and relationships are encouraged, ultimately helping students develop a strong foundation for emotional well-being.
The presentation gives students practical advice and strategies for managing their mental health. It teaches them to recognize and understand their emotions, the importance of positive thinking, and how to build and maintain healthy relationships.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Happy Mental Health Week!