3rd Grade General Science Laboratory

Rock Cycle & Stages of Rock Formation - Earth Science Labs & Reading Activities

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Are you looking to engage your students with a hands-on, interactive unit for Earth Science? This rock cycle unit includes everything you need to nurture and excitement for Earth Science and covers all your standards related to the cycle of rocks and rock formation.

You’ll love this 5-day unit because it is packed full of the resources you need for investigating the rock cycle. You’ll find detailed lesson plans, web-based investigations, a rock cycle simulation,  a reading passage about the rock cylce, an interactive science notebook page, and a rock cycle game.

If you’re teaching in an inquiry-based classroom, you’ll be pleased to find this unit is structured to follow the inquiry cycle-tuning in, finding out, sorting out, going further, and drawing conclusions.

A peek inside the Rock Cylce unit

  • video or reading response
  • crayon rock simulation
  • web-based interactive lesson
  • rock cycle reading passage 
  • rock cycle interactive science notebook page
  • ride the rock cycle game

Your students will love this hands-on classifying rock cycle unit from the rock cycle simulation to the web investigation. They’ll also be eager to show off their learning with the culminating rock cylcle game.

You’ll love how easy it is to plan and prep! Make a few copies gather a few supplies, and your rock cycle unit planning is done!

Extend your rocks and minerals with one of these complimentary units: 

Distinguishing Between Rocks and Minerals Earth Science Unit

Identifying Minerals Earth Science Unit

Types of Rocks Earth Science Unit

Weathering Erosion and Deposition Earth Science Unit

Rocks and Minerals Cooperative Review Activities and Test

Or save time and money with the whole bundle:

Rocks and Minerals - Earth Science Bundle - Rocks and Minerals Labs & Activities


Other Science Resources:

Thermal Energy and Heat Interactive Science Labs

Electricity Interactive Science Labs for Electrical Energy

Life Science Food Chain Sequence Game


Copyright © Curious Classroom Adventures.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Sharing is kind, so please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Identifying Minerals - Earth Science Unit - Reading Passages, Labs, & Activities

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Are you looking to engage your students with a hands-on, interactive unit for  Earth Science? This identifying minerals unit includes everything you need to nurture and excitement for Earth Science and covers all your standards related to identifying minerals. 

You’ll love this 5-day unit because it is packed full of the resources you need for teaching students to identify minerals. You’ll find detailed lesson plans, interactive lab instructions, a student lab report, a reading passage about rocks and minerals, an interactive science notebook page, and games with minerals.

If you’re teaching in an inquiry-based classroom, you’ll be pleased to find this unit is structured to follow the inquiry cycle-tuning in, finding out, sorting out, going further, and drawing conclusions.

A Peek Inside the Identifying Minerals earth science unit:

  • describing minerals and properties
  • scratch test lab
  • guess my rule
  • gemstone bar graph
  • all about minerals reading passage
  • all about minerals interactive science notebook page
  • make mineral trading cards

Your students will love this hands-on identifying minerals unit from the identification lab to the graphing. They’ll also be eager to show off their learning with the culminating mineral trading card activity.

You’ll love how easy it is to plan and prep! Make a few copies gather a few supplies, and your identifying minerals unit planning is done!

Extend your rocks and minerals with one of these complimentary units: 

Distinguishing Between Rocks and Minerals Earth Science Unit

Types of Rocks Earth Science Unit

Rock Cycle Earth Science Unit

Weathering Erosion and Deposition Earth Science Unit

Rocks and Minerals Cooperative Review Activities and Test

Or save time and money with the whole bundle:

Rocks and Minerals - Earth Science Bundle - Rocks and Minerals Labs & Activities


Other Science Resources:

Thermal Energy and Heat Interactive Science Labs

Electricity Interactive Science Labs for Electrical Energy

Life Science Food Chain Sequence Game


Copyright © Curious Classroom Adventures.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Sharing is kind, so please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Types of Rocks Earth Science Unit - Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rocks

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Are you looking to engage your students with a hands-on, interactive unit for  Earth Science? This classifying types of rocks unit includes everything you need to nurture and excitement for Earth Science and covers all your standards related to classifying rocks as igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks.

You’ll love this 5-day unit because it is packed full of the resources you need for classifying different types of rocks. You’ll find detailed lesson plans, interactive lab instructions, student lab reports, a reading passage about igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks, an interactive science notebook page, and a rock-type game.

If you’re teaching in an inquiry-based classroom, you’ll be pleased to find this unit is structured to follow the inquiry cycle-tuning in, finding out, sorting out, going further, and drawing conclusions.

A peek inside the Classifying Rock Types unit

  • rock properties lab
  • detecting calcite lab
  • modeling rock layers
  • types of rocks reading passage 
  • types of rocks interactive science notebook page
  • rock type logic line-up game

Your students will love this hands-on classifying rock types unit from the properties labs to the rock modeling activity. They’ll also be eager to show off their learning with the culminating logic game.

You’ll love how easy it is to plan and prep! Make a few copies gather a few supplies, and your classifying rock types unit planning is done!

Extend on rocks and minerals with one of these complimentary units: 

Distinguishing Between Rocks and Minerals Earth Science Unit

Identifying Minerals Earth Science Unit

Rock Cycle Earth Science Unit

Weathering Erosion and Deposition Earth Science Unit

Rocks and Minerals Cooperative Review Activities and Test

Or save time and money with the whole bundle:

Rocks and Minerals - Earth Science Bundle - Rocks and Minerals Labs & Activities


Other Science Resources:

Thermal Energy and Heat Interactive Science Labs

Electricity Interactive Science Labs for Electrical Energy

Life Science Food Chain Sequence Game


Copyright © Curious Classroom Adventures.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Sharing is kind, so please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
