12th Grade Writing Independent Work Packet

Revising Editing ELA Fun Group Work for Writing Practice

By Blooming Through High School

Students practice their editing skills and have some fun along the way! They will all connect with how one comma changes the meaning of a sentence in the funniest way.

19 tweets, signs, and one magazine cover are included in this fun-filled student activity that will have your kids thinking about how they write online.

Editing skills they practice through the activity include:

  • Commas
  • Apostrophes
  • Capitalization
  • Appositives
  • Run on sentences
  • Colons and more!

Check out these other resources!

  • ELA Test Prep, Study Guide & Activities Bundle (new)
  • All Things English For Middle & High School Students (best seller)
  • Once Upon A Crime
  • Revising & Editing Workbook
  • Revising & Editing for Group Lessons
  • Bell Ringers for the Semester
  • Everything Writing

Como Escribir una Novela o Cuento


Una guía que lleva a los estudiantes a planificar una obra literaria.

☀️La guía se puede usar para novelas o para cuentos.

Incluye ejemplos y pasos para facilitar el proceso.

Todo lo que necesitas para guiar a tus estudiantes en el proceso de la escritura de un cuento o novela.

☀️Como Escribir una Novela o Cuento

☀️Includes my personal examples for a book I have published.






Deaf Education: There, Their, and They're Sentences

By Sign with me TOD

As our Deaf/hard of hearing/ELL students are completing written assignments, little words/parts of speech that are commonly confused when writing with words such as there, their, and they're. My students are confusing them for each other continuously. The words there, their, and they're are emphasized in this product. Students will determine if there, their, and they're belong in each sentence, circle the correct use of the word there, their, and they're in sentences, write sentences using there, their, and they're when looking at different picture scenarios, and will write there, their, or they're to complete each sentence. Students are provided space to make up their own sentences using there, their, and they're as well.

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Deaf Education - Writing Characters, Plot, and Setting Ideas


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Quotation Marks in Dialogue:


The Verb Be Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns in Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


There, They're and Their Practice, Review, and Examples:


Common and Proper Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Common-and-Proper-Nouns-Review-and-Examples-8721303

Writing Tips for Confusing Words:


Was and Were Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Is and Are Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Characters Settings, and Plot Ideas for Writing:


Singular and Plural Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


If you download this product and like it, please leave me a positive review! :)


All Things English Revising & Editing Student Workbook

By Blooming Through High School

A workbook for students that moves them through the 6 stages of Bloom's with Revising and Editing Questions! Each question is thoughtfully crafted for the teacher to ascertain the student's understanding of each topic. With 38 pages and an answer key included to help your students truly understand the rules of English and how to use each one.

This workbook aligns with the All Things English For Middle & High School Students. Bundle and save with the Book and Workbook.

Check out these other resources!

  • ELA Test Prep, Study Guide & Activities Bundle (new)
  • All Things English For Middle & High School Students (best seller)
  • Once Upon A Crime
  • Revising & Editing Workbook
  • Revising & Editing for Group Lessons
  • Bell Ringers for the Semester
  • Everything Writing