We Beat The Street FULL BOOK Chapter Questions, We Beat The Street Worksheets
By Queen's Educational Resources
We Beat The Street Chapter Questions, We Beat The Street Worksheets
★ Text: We Beat The Street
★ Chapters 1 - 22 and Conclusion
★ 88 pages
★ Print and Digital
★ Detailed Answer Keys included
This resource includes:
★ WBTS Chapter Questions (for Chapters 1-22 and Conclusion)
★ Detailed Answer Keys (for each chapter)
★ Google Slide Links (for each chapter)
This WBTS product focuses on CHAPTERS 1 - 22 and Conclusion of We Beat The Street. EACH chapter features 5 inference-based questions that require students to demonstrate inferential thinking and a deep analysis of the chapter - beyond literal comprehension. Each inference-based question can be treated as an extended response where students must make inferences and support their responses, ideas, and/or analysis with evidence from the text.
⭐ Detailed ANSWER KEYS are included to help you facilitate discussion. No prep needed!
This resource is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.
❌ Lesson plans are not included. This resource can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.
This resource is also included in the following discounted resources:
Please Note:
Each of the chapter questions are included in the following, more comprehensive packet.
Other WE BEAT THE STREET resources you might me interested in:
Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.
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❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)
DIGITAL BOOK REPORT PROJECT TEMPLATE bundle, 4 genres, editable, Google
By Kiwious About Vocab
This PREDESIGNED bundle of GOOGLE SLIDE BOOK REPORT TEMPLATES includes editable presentations for fiction, nonfiction, biography, and historical fiction. Teachers can adapt the templates to their needs and the needs of their students.
The slideshow is perfect to support Special Education students, ESL students, struggling students, or guide the entire class! These Google Slide templates have been designed to assist students in creating a well-organized book project. The report outline is scaffolded to support the student with slide titles, subtitles, questions and prompts to ensure students include all critical information.
The slides are logically organized and allow for adding text, photos or drawings . Slides can be deleted and others added where needed. The end product may be used as a Reading assessment.
Help your students return to school next year with confidence in their Reading Presentations. Pre-designed, editable slides provide the structure and organization needed to create a successful book report. This Digital Google Slide bundle will allow all students to complete their Book Project and present an end product they are proud no matter what genre.
Character Analysis Organizers and Worksheets BUNDLE
By Queen's Educational Resources
Character Analysis Organizers and Worksheets BUNDLE
This bundle is included in the following DISCOUNTED Bundles:
★ Character Analysis Graphic Organizers
★ Includes 2 Products
★ 38 pages (not counting the pages in google slides)
★ Print, PowerPoint, and Digital
★ Ideal for grades 5-10
★ Suitable for ANY Text, Book, or Novel
This Character Analysis Organizer BUNDLE includes two products:
▶️ Character Analysis PowerPoint Graphic Organizers
▶️ Character Traits and Analysis Graphic Organizers
▶️ ABOUT RESOURCE #1: Character Analysis PowerPoint Graphic Organizers
This resource includes:
★ 20 PowerPoint Character Analysis Organizers (PowerPoint version)
★ 20 PowerPoint Character Analysis Organizers (Digital version)
✅ This resource is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.
✅ PowerPoint version - This includes a Character Analysis Graphic Organizer POWERPOINT set with visually appealing fun clipart and fonts – UNEDITABLE – due to copyright purposes. You will receive the actual Character Analysis PowerPoint Graphic Organizer (uneditable), which includes “already created” text boxes. You can share the PowerPoint with your students to type in their responses, use it as display (Smartboard, “screen sharing,” upload into Google Classroom, type in it during mini lessons, etc.). Additionally, the same PowerPoint has also been uploaded into Google Slides with text boxes already created!
✅ This Character Analysis PowerPoint Graphic Organizer set is ideal for grades 5-10 students and is optimized for digital learning, distance learning, and Google Classroom!
✅ These graphic organizers are designed to help students analyze characters in literature and support students in making inferences using ANY text under study. As they read, students use clues from the text (text details) to make inferences and "read between the lines."
✅ This is an excellent tool to set a "purpose for reading" and keep track of what's happening in texts as well as encouraging students to actively engage in reading digitally! This digital resource also includes a PowerPoint (SAME PowerPoint in the Google Slides). It will be easier for you to use during/for instruction!
✅ USE WITH ANY TEXT! Students can copy and paste individual slides to create documents for multiple characters. This is ideal for collaboration. The ideas are endless!
Topics covered include:
⭐ Character Traits
⭐ Inferencing
⭐ Character Actions
⭐ Compare and Contrast
⭐ Quote Analysis
⭐ Direct and Indirect Characterization
⭐ Character Growth/Changes
⭐ Conflicts/Problems
⭐ Character Dialogue
⭐ Point of View
▶️ ABOUT RESOURCE #2: Character Traits and Analysis Graphic Organizers
This resource includes:
★ 18 Character Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ Google Slides Link
✅ These fun and visually appealing graphic organizers can be used to help students both think deeply about the characters they read about as well as infer their personality traits based on textual evidence. Students are also asked to think and make inferences about characters' problems and challenges, the things they say, do think, feel, etc. and WHY. There are a variety of worksheets to pick and choose from.
✅ This resource is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.
✅ These graphic organizers are designed to be used with any story or book. Great for small groups, literature circles, reading workshop, centers, or use with your reading program.
✅ Lesson plans are not included. These these graphic organizers can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.
✅ The graphic organizers contain amazing page borders, fonts, and clip art - very visually appealing!
Additional Graphic Organizers you might be interested in:
Additional Graphic Organizer Packets (Print and Digital)
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DID YOU KNOW that you can earn money for future TeachShare purchases when you leave feedback on a resource you purchased?!?!? All you have to do is leave feedback on the purchased resource! When you do so, you earn TPT credits. These TPT credits can be redeemed and used toward future purchases!
❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)
By Kiwious About Vocab
This SUMMER READING bundle of GOOGLE SLIDE BOOK REPORT TEMPLATES includes editable presentations for fiction, nonfiction, biography, and historical fiction. Teachers can adapt the templates to their needs and the needs of their students.
The slideshow is perfect to support Special Education students, ESL students, struggling students, or guide the entire class! These Google Slide templates have been designed to assist students in creating a well-organized book project. The report outline is scaffolded to support the student with slide titles, subtitles, questions and prompts to ensure students include all critical information.
The slides are logically organized and allow for adding text, photos or drawings . Slides can be deleted and others added where needed. The end product may be used as a Reading assessment.
Help your students return to school next year with confidence in their Summer Reading Presentations. Pre-designed, editable slides provide the structure and organization needed to create a successful book report. This Digital Google Slide bundle will allow all students to complete their Book Project and present an end product they are proud no matter what genre.
Time Management Activities | Time Management Situation Cards | Time Management
By Queen's Educational Resources
Time Management Activities | Time Management Situation Cards | Time Management
⭐ Topic/Skill - Time Management
⭐ 105 pages
⭐ Suitable for Middle and High School Students
⭐ Print and Digital versions
⭐ Answer Keys for Activity Worksheets Included
Includes 3 product packets:
▶️ Time Management Activity Worksheets
▶️ Time Management Scenarios
▶️ Time Management Writing/Discussion Questions
Items in this bundle include:
★ 15 Time Management Activity Worksheets
★ 16 COLORED Writing Prompt Task Cards (with and without "Dot Dude" images)
★ 16 B&W Writing Prompt Task Cards (with and without "Dot Dude" images)
★ 16 Writing Prompt Worksheets with various DOT DUDE images
★ 16 Writing Prompt Worksheets with same images
★ 1 Overview List of Questions (Easy Access for Teachers)
★ 1 Writing Prompt Cut Out Sheet
★ 16 Scenario COLORED Task Cards
★ 16 Scenario B&W Task Cards
★ 16 Scenario WORKSHEETS
★ 1 Overview List of Scenarios (Easy Access for Teachers)
★ 1 Time Management Poster
★ Sample Responses (for Activity Worksheets)
★ 3 Google Slide links
Time Management is an important life skill that students need to develop and master in order to accomplish tasks in a timely manner and maximize time for things that are important to them. Learning to manage time can help lower their stress levels, help them stay responsible, focused, and motivated, and ultimately make them feel a sense of accomplishment.
► This bundle includes a variety of activity worksheets, scenarios, and writing/discussion questions to engage students in practicing this important life skill.
► The products in this bundle include print and digital versions.
❌ Lesson plans are not included. This product can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.
▶️ ABOUT - Time Management Activity Worksheets and ANSWER KEYS
★ Topic - Time Management
★ 28 pages
★ Print and Digital (PDF and Google Slides)
★ Suitable for Middle and High School Students
★ Answer Keys included
This resource includes:
★ 15 Time Management Activity Worksheets
★ Detailed Answer Keys
★ 1 Time Management Poster
★ Google Slides Link
✅ This resource includes a variety of worksheets and activities to engage students in practicing this important life skill.
✅ This resource includes print and digital versions.
❌ Lesson plans are not included. This product can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.
▶️ 15 Activity Worksheets (Print and Digital)
These activity worksheets cover the following topics:
✥ Anticipation Guides
✥ Self-Assessment
✥ Time Use Log
✥ What is Time Management?
✥ Time Management Strategies
✥ Task Organization
✥ Areas in Need of Improvement
✥ Aligning Time with Priorities
✥ Word Web
✥ Planning Your Time
✥ The Priority Matrix (Prioritization)
✥ Practicing Time Management
✥ Time Management Reflection
✥ Detailed Sample Responses
▶️ 3 Time Management Bookmarks
You may:
⭐ Print and cut each one out (as there are four bookmarks on each sheet)
⭐ For long lasting use, photocopy onto card stock paper, or laminate them.
⭐ For personal touch you can also hole-punch the tops and tie a ribbon through!
▶️ ABOUT - Time Management Scenario Task Cards and Worksheets
★ Topic - Time Management
★ 26 pages
★ Features 16 Time Management Scenarios
★ Print and Digital
★ Suitable for Middle and High School Students
This resource includes:
★ 16 COLORED Scenario Task Cards
★ 16 B&W Scenario Task Cards
★ 16 Scenario Worksheets (Same scenarios in Task Cards)
★ List of Scenarios (Easy Access for Teachers)
★ Google Slides Link
This resource includes 16 Time Management Scenarios with questions for students to think about how to handle time constraints and improve their time management. These real-life scenarios are meant for students to discuss various situations, brainstorm strategies, and evaluate solutions. It's a chance for students to reflect on their time management skills and consider practical approaches. These scenarios can lead to meaningful discussions.
▶️ 16 Scenario Task Cards (COLORED and B&W)
✅ Each Task Card presents a scenario related to time or time management, accompanied by a question for students to respond to.
✅ These Task Cards are versatile and can be integrated into broader lessons, utilized in guided small groups, employed in whole-class discussions, or used for partner discussions before sharing insights with the larger group or class. They can also be utilized in one-on-one sessions with a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent/guardian.
✅ For durability, consider printing the Task Cards on gloss or regular paper and laminating them. Alternatively, you can organize them using a binder ring.
▶️ 16 Scenario Worksheets (same scenarios in the Task Cards)
✅ This resource provides 16 Scenario WORKSHEETS featuring lines for students to jot down their responses.
✅ The scenarios in the worksheets mirror those found in the task cards.
✅ These worksheets are ideal for "Quick Writes," Do Now activities, Note-
Taking/Reflection sessions, Formative Assessments, or can seamlessly integrate into broader lessons or discussions.
✅ The Time Management Scenario Worksheets are available in both print and digital formats, with pre-added text boxes for your convenience and that of your students!
▶️ List of Scenarios (Easy Access for Teachers)
Also included is a 1.5 page complete LIST OF SCENARIOS to allow easier access for teachers to read and select scenarios to work with. These are the same scenarios listed in the Task Cards and Worksheets.
▶️ ABOUT - Time Management Writing Prompt Task Cards and Worksheets
This resource includes:
★ 16 COLORED Task Cards (with and without "Dot Dude" images)
★ 16 B&W Task Cards (with and without "Dot Dude" images)
★ 16 Writing Prompt Worksheets with various DOT DUDE images
★ 16 Writing Prompt Worksheets with same images
★ 1 Overview Writing Prompt Sheet (Easy Access for Teachers)
★ 1 Writing Prompt Cut Out Sheet
★ 2 Google Slides Links
This resource features 16 Writing/Discussion Questions centered around time and time management. These questions encourage reflective thinking, prompting students to ponder their own time management skills and how they allocate their time.
Items Included:
▶️ 16 Task Cards (COLORED and B&W – with and without Dot Dudes images)
✅ Each Task Card features a question related to time or time management.
✅ The Time Management Task Cards are adaptable for use in various settings, including larger lessons, guided small groups, whole-class discussions, partner discussions before sharing with the broader group or class, or even in one-on-one sessions with a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent/guardian.
✅ For durability, consider printing the Task Cards on gloss or regular paper and laminating them. Alternatively, you can organize them using a binder ring.
▶️ 16 Writing Response Worksheets (same writing prompts in the Task Cards)
✅ This resource also contains 16 Writing Response WORKSHEETS with lined spaces, allowing students to articulate their responses. Each worksheet corresponds to the questions on the Task Cards.
✅ The worksheets are provided in two variations, featuring distinct Dot Dude images in one version and the same image in the other.
✅ Both variations of the worksheets are available in both print and digital formats.
✅ These worksheets are versatile and can be effectively utilized for "Quick Writes," Do Now activities, Note-Taking/Reflection sessions, Formative Assessments, or seamlessly integrated into larger lessons or discussions!
▶️ List of Questions (Easy Access for Teachers)
Also included is a LIST OF QUESTIONS to allow easier access for teachers to read and select questions to work with. These are the same questions listed in the Task Cards and Worksheets.
Other Organizational Skills products you might be interested in:
❤️ Organizational Skills Bundle
❤️ Organizational Skills Activities
❤️ Organizational Skills Scenarios
❤️ Organizational Skills Anticipation Guide and Self-Assessment
This bundle is also included in the following discounted bundles:
Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.
Interested in realistic kids, teens, and adults clipart? Check out my CLIPART GALLERY!
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Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
DID YOU KNOW that you can earn money for future TeachShare purchases when you leave feedback on a resource you purchased?!?!? All you have to do is leave feedback on the purchased resource! When you do so, you earn TPT credits. These TPT credits can be redeemed and used toward future purchases!
❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)
Graphic Organizer Mega BUNDLE (Print and Digital)
By Queen's Educational Resources
Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers for Fiction and Nonfiction Texts
This bundle is also included in the following discounted Bundles:
★ Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers
★ 140 PAGES
★ Print and Digital
★ Suitable for ANY grade!
★ A discounted resource!!!
This resource includes:
------ 140 Graphic Organizers (5 SETS!)
★ 22 Textual Evidence Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ 53 Making Inferences Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ 22 Making Predictions Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ 18 Character Analysis Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ 10 Main Idea Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
★ 15 Analyzing Setting Graphic Organizers (Print and Digital)
****Click on individual resources for complete descriptions!
This MEGA BUNDLE is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.
Graphic Organizers are included for the following skills/topics:
► Making Inferences
► Making Predictions
► Main Idea
► Analyzing Setting
► Textual Evidence
► Character Analysis
✅ There are 140 Graphic Organizers that are created in different formats/variations to support differentiation for students and help them participate in active reading and deep analysis of the texts they read.
✅ These graphic organizers are designed to support students in making inferences, predictions, analyzing characters and setting, and identifying main ideas. They can be used for any grade as well as any text under study.
✅ This is an excellent tool to set a "purpose for reading" and keep track of what's happening in texts as well as encouraging students to actively engage in reading!
✅ These Graphic Organizers can be used as part of a larger lesson, as formative assessments, with whole group instruction, small group instruction, and with novel groups/literature circles. These graphic organizers can also be assigned as a "Purpose for Reading" during silent reading time, classwork, or homework!
These sets can also be purchased separately in my store, too - WHOOP WHOOP!
Additional Graphic Organizer Packets (Print and Digital)
Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.
Interested in realistic kids, teens, and adults clipart? Check out my CLIPART GALLERY!
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Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
DID YOU KNOW that you can earn money for future TeachShare purchases when you leave feedback on a resource you purchased?!?!? All you have to do is leave feedback on the purchased resource! When you do so, you earn TPT credits. These TPT credits can be redeemed and used toward future purchases!
❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)