1st Grade Math Classroom Forms

Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

These auto-calculating addition and subtraction fact fluency assessments for progress monitoring and IEP goal tracking in Google Sheets™ will ensure you always have the fact fluency data you need for targeted instruction, setting IEP goals, and reporting progress!

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data, and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Are you looking for a simple, effective, and efficient way to monitor and analyze fact fluency as your students move through the curriculum or toward meeting IEP goals?

Stay on top of addition and subtraction skills and effectively track progress towards Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals in your special education classroom!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering IEP goal tracking data! These user-friendly progress monitoring assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze and plan for differentiated instruction!

This bundle includes FOUR Google Sheet files and FOUR sets of student probes for the following skills:

  • Addition to Ten
  • Subtraction within Ten
  • Addition to Eighteen
  • Subtraction within Twenty

Simply click each missed item on the assessor probe. Correct items and accuracy are automatically calculated and added to the class data sheet.

What other teachers are saying about this resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Robyn M. says, "This was an absolute gamechanger for all of the assessments we have to do for general progress monitoring, RTI, IEP data, and the like. It was easy for me to use and the data charts itself. Thank you!!"

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What to Teach says, "life saver, makes things so much easier"

You may also like:

→ Number Recognition Assessment to 120 Progress Monitoring Tracking Google Sheets™

→ Math Flashcard Bundle! Build Math Fluency, Number Sense and Flexibility!

→ Multi Digit Addition With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print!

→ Subtraction With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Copyright: Tech for Teaching©

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Number Recognition Assessments and Progress Monitoring BUNDLE Google Sheets™

By Tech for Teaching

Number Recognition Assessments to 20, 50, 100, and 120

These number recognition assessments and progress monitoring tracking Google Sheets™ Workbooks provides an efficient way to collect and analyze number identification assessment data for IEP goals and Kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly number identification assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect number recognition data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Here’s what you’ll get within each product:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting number identification data.
  • A data sheet showing correct number identification responses per minute, accuracy, and specific errors!
  • A graph of correct number identification responses with a goal line to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the number recognition assessment student probes for convenience. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check ✅ the incorrect number recognition responses on the assessor probe to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy. 
  • All number recognition data is copied to the student data sheet and correct number identification responses are graphed!
  • A selection of numerals 0-50 are included within the first 24 items. Errors from this selection are automatically recorded!

➡️  Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process

Prep is quick and easy…

Make a copy of  the number recognition assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor! Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder. I use Google Classroom™ to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

What other teachers have said about these number recognition assessments…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carolyn H. says “I LOVE THIS. We are working toward all RTI paperwork being virtual, and this was just what we needed. Super user-friendly!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Zach P. says “Great resource for progress monitoring students on their IEP math skills!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jen H. says “This was a great resource to use to collect data throughout the year.”

You may also like…

→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™

→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ 

→ Progress Monitoring Assessment EDITABLE- Phonics, Sight Words, Numbers, Etc!


Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Subitizing Assessment & Progress Monitoring Tracking Tool Google Sheets™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

Efficiently monitor subitizing skills in kindergarten and special education with these digital tracking sheets: a practical method to track the progress of your students' subitizing abilities and validate their learning and growth with data! Collect and analyze data on subitizing for IEP goals or kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly subitizing assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect subitizing data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities is an essential skill when developing math flexibility in kindergarten and early first grade. Developing subitizing skills is key for students to excel in addition and subtraction fact fluency. It serves as the foundation for success in these areas.

⭐️ Always have the subitizing data you need with these Progress Monitoring Tracking Tools in Google Sheets™!

This product includes progress monitoring for:

➡Subitizing to 6 with random dots

➡Subitizing to 6 with single dice

➡Subitizing to 10 with ten frames

➡Subitizing to 12 with double dice

➡Subitizing to 18 with dominos

What’s included in resource:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting subitizing data.
  • A data sheet showing correct subitizing responses and accuracy as a percent.
  • Two graphs with baselines to show correct responses and accuracy. Perfect to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the subitizing assessment student probes. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check the incorrect subitizing responses on the assessor probe in Google Sheets™ to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy.
  • After determining the student’s baseline and goal, enter these numbers into the corresponding cells on the data sheet.
  • All data is copied to the student data sheet and growth is shown on two separate graphs with baselines displaying the number correct per minute and accuracy!

Prep is quick and easy…

  • Make a copy of the subitizing assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor!
  • Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder within your Google Drive™.
  • Tip! I use a Google Classroom™ (not shared with students) to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

➡️ Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

⭐️ Explore more Google Sheets™ Progress Monitoring Resources!

You may also like…
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 20
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 50
→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™
→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™
Copyright © Tech for Teaching.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Letter and Number ID Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring in Google Sheets™

By Tech for Teaching

This Bundle included 5 Progress Monitoring Assessments!

  • Letter Naming Fluency
  • Letter Sound Fluency
  • Number ID Fluency to 20
  • Number ID Fluency to 50
  • Number ID Fluency to 100

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Do you need CURRICULUM-BASED ASSESSMENTS to progress monitor your kindergarten and first grade students' ability to quickly recall letter names and sounds or numerals?

Do you want an easy and efficient way to track and analyze letter and number recognition to monitor progress on IEP goals in your special education classroom?

Look forward to assessment day with this DIGITAL ASSESSMENT TOOL in GOOGLE SHEETS™!

Each Assessment Includes:

  • A Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes, 30 matching student probes, a data sheet showing correct responses per minute, accuracy, and specific sound errors, and a graph with a goal line!
  • A PDF versions of the student probes for convenience. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Check the missed items on the assessor probe to AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE correct responses and ACCURACY. All data is copied to the student data sheet and correct items are GRAPHED!
  • Errors are automatically recorded on the data sheet!

Please see DIRECTIONS included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

Sample Goals:

The student will demonstrate an improvement in his/her ability to recall numbers within 20 as measured by a curriculum-based measurement in number identification fluency from a baseline score of 5 correct to a goal score of 40 correct by June 6, 2022.

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Math Fact Fluency Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

These auto-calculating math fact fluency assessments for progress monitoring and IEP goal tracking in Google Sheets™ will ensure you always have the fact fluency data you need for targeted instruction, setting IEP goals, and reporting progress!

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data, and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Are you looking for a simple, effective, and efficient way to monitor and analyze fact fluency as your students move through the curriculum or toward meeting IEP goals?

Stay on top of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills and effectively track progress towards Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals in your special education classroom!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering IEP goal tracking data! These user-friendly progress monitoring assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze and plan for differentiated instruction!Do you need a quick and efficient way to assess your students’ math fact fluency.

This bundle includes SIX Google Sheet™ files and SIX sets of student probes!

  • Addition to Ten
  • Subtraction within Ten
  • Addition to Eighteen
  • Subtraction within Twenty
  • Multiplication to 100
  • Division to 100

Simply click each missed item on the assessor probe. Correct items and accuracy are automatically calculated and added to the class data sheet.

You may also like:

→ Number Recognition Assessment to 120 Progress Monitoring Tracking Google Sheets™

→ Math Flashcard Bundle! Build Math Fluency, Number Sense and Flexibility!

→ Multi Digit Addition With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print!

→ Subtraction With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

→ Multi Digit Multiplication Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Editable Flashcard Bundle! Phonics, Decodable Words, Numbers, Math Facts!

By Tech for Teaching

Quickly and easily create flashcards with these user friendly PDF tools! Create fluency cards to target basic or advanced phonics skills, numeral recognition, math operations, and more! Create individual flashcards sets to target each student’s specific areas of need!

Simply enter letters, numbers, words, or equations, into the form fields on the first page to create flash cards perfectly formatted for printing! 

Cards are beautifully designed with a double line border around each and no spaces between for efficient laminating and cutting!

You will have the following options:

  • Vertical, one-sided cards
  • Vertical, two-sided cards with a label on the back
  • Vertical, one-sided cards with a label on the bottom
  • Horizontal, one-sided cards
  • Horizontal, two-sided cards with a label on the back

Vertical cards are printed 8 per sheet for a total of 40 cards.

Horizontal cards are printed 12 per sheet for a total of 60 cards.

Use over and over again!

Includes a button to quickly RESET the form so it’s ready in seconds!

You may also like…

Editable Word Practice Probes

Editable Bingo Game Cards

Editable Blending Pyramids

Editable Roll and Read

Editable Blending Lines

Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Number Recognition Assessments and Progress Monitoring BUNDLE Google Sheets™

By Tech for Teaching

Number Recognition Assessments to 20, 50, 100, and 120

These number recognition assessments and progress monitoring tracking Google Sheets™ Workbooks provides an efficient way to collect and analyze number identification assessment data for IEP goals and Kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly number identification assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect number recognition data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Here’s what you’ll get within each product:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting number identification data.
  • A data sheet showing correct number identification responses per minute, accuracy, and specific errors!
  • A graph of correct number identification responses with a goal line to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the number recognition assessment student probes for convenience. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check ✅ the incorrect number recognition responses on the assessor probe to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy. 
  • All number recognition data is copied to the student data sheet and correct number identification responses are graphed!
  • A selection of numerals 0-50 are included within the first 24 items. Errors from this selection are automatically recorded!

➡️  Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process

Prep is quick and easy…

Make a copy of  the number recognition assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor! Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder. I use Google Classroom™ to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

What other teachers have said about these number recognition assessments…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carolyn H. says “I LOVE THIS. We are working toward all RTI paperwork being virtual, and this was just what we needed. Super user-friendly!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Zach P. says “Great resource for progress monitoring students on their IEP math skills!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jen H. says “This was a great resource to use to collect data throughout the year.”

You may also like…

→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™

→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ 

→ Progress Monitoring Assessment EDITABLE- Phonics, Sight Words, Numbers, Etc!


Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


EDITABLE BINGO BUNDLE! Targeted Instruction! Phonics, Sight Words, Etc!

By Tech for Teaching

Provide targeted practice on almost any skill! 30 Bingo cards with 8, 9 or 24 spaces, with or without traceable words!

✅ Sight Words!

✅ Short Vowel Words!

✅ Blends and Digraphs!

✅ Multi-syllable Words!

✅ Letter Sounds or Names!

✅ Numbers!

✅ Math facts!

I created these editable BINGO PDF documents to meet the diverse needs of teachers who want to provide additional practice opportunities that target the skills being taught with a fun game!

Simply enter the words or skill into the form fields on the calling card page and print 30 unique Bingo cards! Print full-page or smaller and laminate for a quick center or review activity!

This Editable PDF has been tested in Adobe Reader and PDF Expert. If you would like to assure this document will work for you, please download this freebie color by code to try it out!

If you find this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Subitizing Assessment & Progress Monitoring Tracking Tool Google Sheets™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

Efficiently monitor subitizing skills in kindergarten and special education with these digital tracking sheets: a practical method to track the progress of your students' subitizing abilities and validate their learning and growth with data! Collect and analyze data on subitizing for IEP goals or kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly subitizing assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect subitizing data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities is an essential skill when developing math flexibility in kindergarten and early first grade. Developing subitizing skills is key for students to excel in addition and subtraction fact fluency. It serves as the foundation for success in these areas.

⭐️ Always have the subitizing data you need with these Progress Monitoring Tracking Tools in Google Sheets™!

This product includes progress monitoring for:

➡Subitizing to 6 with random dots

➡Subitizing to 6 with single dice

➡Subitizing to 10 with ten frames

➡Subitizing to 12 with double dice

➡Subitizing to 18 with dominos

What’s included in resource:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting subitizing data.
  • A data sheet showing correct subitizing responses and accuracy as a percent.
  • Two graphs with baselines to show correct responses and accuracy. Perfect to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the subitizing assessment student probes. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check the incorrect subitizing responses on the assessor probe in Google Sheets™ to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy.
  • After determining the student’s baseline and goal, enter these numbers into the corresponding cells on the data sheet.
  • All data is copied to the student data sheet and growth is shown on two separate graphs with baselines displaying the number correct per minute and accuracy!

Prep is quick and easy…

  • Make a copy of the subitizing assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor!
  • Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder within your Google Drive™.
  • Tip! I use a Google Classroom™ (not shared with students) to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

➡️ Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

⭐️ Explore more Google Sheets™ Progress Monitoring Resources!

You may also like…
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 20
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 50
→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™
→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™
Copyright © Tech for Teaching.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Subitizing Assessment & Progress Monitoring Tracking Tool Google Sheets™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

Efficiently monitor subitizing skills in kindergarten and special education with these digital tracking sheets: a practical method to track the progress of your students' subitizing abilities and validate their learning and growth with data! Collect and analyze data on subitizing for IEP goals or kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly subitizing assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect subitizing data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities is an essential skill when developing math flexibility in kindergarten and early first grade. Developing subitizing skills is key for students to excel in addition and subtraction fact fluency. It serves as the foundation for success in these areas.

⭐️ Always have the subitizing data you need with these Progress Monitoring Tracking Tools in Google Sheets™!

This product includes progress monitoring for:

➡Subitizing to 10 with ten frames

➡Subitizing to 12 with double dice

➡Subitizing to 18 with dominos

What’s included in each resource:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting subitizing data.
  • A data sheet showing correct subitizing responses and accuracy as a percent.
  • Two graphs with baselines to show correct responses and accuracy. Perfect to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the subitizing assessment student probes. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check the incorrect subitizing responses on the assessor probe in Google Sheets™ to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy.
  • After determining the student’s baseline and goal, enter these numbers into the corresponding cells on the data sheet.
  • All data is copied to the student data sheet and growth is shown on two separate graphs with baselines displaying the number correct per minute and accuracy!

Prep is quick and easy…

  • Make a copy of the subitizing assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor!
  • Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder within your Google Drive™.
  • Tip! I use a Google Classroom™ (not shared with students) to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

➡️ Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

⭐️ Explore more Google Sheets™ Progress Monitoring Resources!

You may also like…
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 20
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 50
→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™
→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™
Copyright © Tech for Teaching.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

These auto-calculating addition and subtraction fact fluency assessments for progress monitoring and IEP goal tracking in Google Sheets™ will ensure you always have the fact fluency data you need for targeted instruction, setting IEP goals, and reporting progress!

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data, and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Are you looking for a simple, effective, and efficient way to monitor and analyze fact fluency as your students move through the curriculum or toward meeting IEP goals?

Stay on top of addition and subtraction skills and effectively track progress towards Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals in your special education classroom!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering IEP goal tracking data! These user-friendly progress monitoring assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze and plan for differentiated instruction!

This bundle includes FOUR Google Sheet files and FOUR sets of student probes for the following skills:

  • Addition to Ten
  • Subtraction within Ten
  • Addition to Eighteen
  • Subtraction within Twenty

Simply click each missed item on the assessor probe. Correct items and accuracy are automatically calculated and added to the class data sheet.

What other teachers are saying about this resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Robyn M. says, "This was an absolute gamechanger for all of the assessments we have to do for general progress monitoring, RTI, IEP data, and the like. It was easy for me to use and the data charts itself. Thank you!!"

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What to Teach says, "life saver, makes things so much easier"

You may also like:

→ Number Recognition Assessment to 120 Progress Monitoring Tracking Google Sheets™

→ Math Flashcard Bundle! Build Math Fluency, Number Sense and Flexibility!

→ Multi Digit Addition With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print!

→ Subtraction With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Copyright: Tech for Teaching©

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Letter and Number ID Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring in Google Sheets™

By Tech for Teaching

This Bundle included 5 Progress Monitoring Assessments!

  • Letter Naming Fluency
  • Letter Sound Fluency
  • Number ID Fluency to 20
  • Number ID Fluency to 50
  • Number ID Fluency to 100

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Do you need CURRICULUM-BASED ASSESSMENTS to progress monitor your kindergarten and first grade students' ability to quickly recall letter names and sounds or numerals?

Do you want an easy and efficient way to track and analyze letter and number recognition to monitor progress on IEP goals in your special education classroom?

Look forward to assessment day with this DIGITAL ASSESSMENT TOOL in GOOGLE SHEETS™!

Each Assessment Includes:

  • A Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes, 30 matching student probes, a data sheet showing correct responses per minute, accuracy, and specific sound errors, and a graph with a goal line!
  • A PDF versions of the student probes for convenience. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Check the missed items on the assessor probe to AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE correct responses and ACCURACY. All data is copied to the student data sheet and correct items are GRAPHED!
  • Errors are automatically recorded on the data sheet!

Please see DIRECTIONS included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

Sample Goals:

The student will demonstrate an improvement in his/her ability to recall numbers within 20 as measured by a curriculum-based measurement in number identification fluency from a baseline score of 5 correct to a goal score of 40 correct by June 6, 2022.

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Subitizing Assessment & Progress Monitoring Tracking Tool Google Sheets™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

Efficiently monitor subitizing skills in kindergarten and special education with these digital tracking sheets: a practical method to track the progress of your students' subitizing abilities and validate their learning and growth with data! Collect and analyze data on subitizing for IEP goals or kindergarten math MTSS data!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering data! These user-friendly subitizing assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect subitizing data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze the data and plan for targeted instruction!

Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities is an essential skill when developing math flexibility in kindergarten and early first grade. Developing subitizing skills is key for students to excel in addition and subtraction fact fluency. It serves as the foundation for success in these areas.

⭐️ Always have the subitizing data you need with these Progress Monitoring Tracking Tools in Google Sheets™!

This product includes progress monitoring for:

➡Subitizing to 10 with ten frames

➡Subitizing to 12 with double dice

➡Subitizing to 18 with dominos

What’s included in each resource:

  • Google Sheets™ Workbook with 30 assessor probes and 30 matching student probes for collecting subitizing data.
  • A data sheet showing correct subitizing responses and accuracy as a percent.
  • Two graphs with baselines to show correct responses and accuracy. Perfect to share with parents or at data meetings!
  • A PDF version of the subitizing assessment student probes. They can also be printed from the workbook.

How they work:

  • Simply check the incorrect subitizing responses on the assessor probe in Google Sheets™ to automatically calculate correct responses and accuracy.
  • After determining the student’s baseline and goal, enter these numbers into the corresponding cells on the data sheet.
  • All data is copied to the student data sheet and growth is shown on two separate graphs with baselines displaying the number correct per minute and accuracy!

Prep is quick and easy…

  • Make a copy of the subitizing assessment for each student you would like to progress monitor!
  • Add each student’s name to the file and keep them together in a folder or place them in the student’s personal folder within your Google Drive™.
  • Tip! I use a Google Classroom™ (not shared with students) to organize and quickly access all student assessments.

➡️ Please see directions included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

⭐️ Explore more Google Sheets™ Progress Monitoring Resources!

You may also like…
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 20
→ Number Recognition Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tracking Sheet to 50
→ Addition & Subtraction Fact Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™
→ Letter Name & Sound Fluency Assessment & Progress Monitoring-Google Sheets™
Copyright © Tech for Teaching.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Editable Flashcard Bundle! Phonics, Decodable Words, Numbers, Math Facts!

By Tech for Teaching

Quickly and easily create flashcards with these user friendly PDF tools! Create fluency cards to target basic or advanced phonics skills, numeral recognition, math operations, and more! Create individual flashcards sets to target each student’s specific areas of need!

Simply enter letters, numbers, words, or equations, into the form fields on the first page to create flash cards perfectly formatted for printing! 

Cards are beautifully designed with a double line border around each and no spaces between for efficient laminating and cutting!

You will have the following options:

  • Vertical, one-sided cards
  • Vertical, two-sided cards with a label on the back
  • Vertical, one-sided cards with a label on the bottom
  • Horizontal, one-sided cards
  • Horizontal, two-sided cards with a label on the back

Vertical cards are printed 8 per sheet for a total of 40 cards.

Horizontal cards are printed 12 per sheet for a total of 60 cards.

Use over and over again!

Includes a button to quickly RESET the form so it’s ready in seconds!

You may also like…

Editable Word Practice Probes

Editable Bingo Game Cards

Editable Blending Pyramids

Editable Roll and Read

Editable Blending Lines

Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


EDITABLE BINGO BUNDLE! Targeted Instruction! Phonics, Sight Words, Etc!

By Tech for Teaching

Provide targeted practice on almost any skill! 30 Bingo cards with 8, 9 or 24 spaces, with or without traceable words!

✅ Sight Words!

✅ Short Vowel Words!

✅ Blends and Digraphs!

✅ Multi-syllable Words!

✅ Letter Sounds or Names!

✅ Numbers!

✅ Math facts!

I created these editable BINGO PDF documents to meet the diverse needs of teachers who want to provide additional practice opportunities that target the skills being taught with a fun game!

Simply enter the words or skill into the form fields on the calling card page and print 30 unique Bingo cards! Print full-page or smaller and laminate for a quick center or review activity!

This Editable PDF has been tested in Adobe Reader and PDF Expert. If you would like to assure this document will work for you, please download this freebie color by code to try it out!

If you find this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


Math Fact Fluency Assessment & Data Tracking in GOOGLE SHEETS™ BUNDLE!

By Tech for Teaching

These auto-calculating math fact fluency assessments for progress monitoring and IEP goal tracking in Google Sheets™ will ensure you always have the fact fluency data you need for targeted instruction, setting IEP goals, and reporting progress!

Track Data for IEP Goals, MTSS Data, and RTI (Response to Intervention)!

Are you looking for a simple, effective, and efficient way to monitor and analyze fact fluency as your students move through the curriculum or toward meeting IEP goals?

Stay on top of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills and effectively track progress towards Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals in your special education classroom!

Stop wasting your valuable time calculating and entering IEP goal tracking data! These user-friendly progress monitoring assessments in Google Sheets™ will allow you to collect data on each student with just a few clicks! Use your time to analyze and plan for differentiated instruction!Do you need a quick and efficient way to assess your students’ math fact fluency.

This bundle includes SIX Google Sheet™ files and SIX sets of student probes!

  • Addition to Ten
  • Subtraction within Ten
  • Addition to Eighteen
  • Subtraction within Twenty
  • Multiplication to 100
  • Division to 100

Simply click each missed item on the assessor probe. Correct items and accuracy are automatically calculated and added to the class data sheet.

You may also like:

→ Number Recognition Assessment to 120 Progress Monitoring Tracking Google Sheets™

→ Math Flashcard Bundle! Build Math Fluency, Number Sense and Flexibility!

→ Multi Digit Addition With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print!

→ Subtraction With Regrouping Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

→ Multi Digit Multiplication Endless Worksheets Click & Print - Google Sheets™

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