Elementary School Health Thematic Unit Plans

Back To School Bundle

By Lara Hocheiser

Included in this bundle:
- Empowerment Series Printable Yoga Cards + Lesson Plans
- Autumn Sequence Printable Yoga Cards + Lesson Plans
- Sun Salutation Yoga Cards
- Yamas & Niyamas: Successful Relationships with Self & Others




By French Made Fun!

This documents have 170 pages of activities, games, printables and teachable slides.

I cover:

  • Confidence and identity
  • Social and cultural impacts on identity
  • Stereotyping and influencing
  • Self-regulation
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Coping mechanisms

Many activities come with step-by-step instructions, discussion prompts to guide your teaching. The activities you'll find in this bundle include:

  • "Juste en me regardant" (an activity on identity)
  • "Tout est dans le nom" (an activity on the history of our name)
  • "Solidarité en identité" (an activity on sharing identity)
  • "Ma carte d'identité" (an activity on creating an identification card)
  • "Réflechir sur mon identité" (a reflexive activity)
  • "De combien de façons es-tu intelligent?" (a multiple intelligences quiz)
  • "Mes intelligences multiples" (a short questionnaire on learning styles)
  • "Mes intelligences multiples" (reflection questions)
  • "Vous n'en trouverez jamais un autre comme moi" (a collage project as an end-of-unit activity)
  • "Une réflexion sur mes sentiments" (thinking about what helps or hinders our emotional states)
  • "Gérer mes pensées" (reflection questions on our thoughts)
  • "Positif ou négatif?" (a group activity on categorizing thoughts and then creating their own categorizing game)
  • "Garder le positif!" (managing my thoughts and feelings)
  • "Trier mes sentiments" (a sorting activity for negative and positive thoughts)
  • "Pensées... Sentiments... Actions" (a retrospective activity on a frustrating situation)
  • "Changer votre façon de penser" (activity on changing our feelings, thoughts and actions)
  • "Démêler mes réactions" (evaluating healthy responses to negative situations)
  • "Miroir... mon beau miroir" (an art activity on depicting negative and positive facial reactions)
  • "Visages émotionnels" (an art activity on drawing feelings on faces)
  • "Ressentir les sentiments" (an art activity on drawing feelings)
  • "Ma playlist adaptée à moi" (a musical activity to have students creating a playlist suited to their multiple emotions)
  • "Technique d'apaisement" (A calming technique for anxious moments)
  • Petites textes à lire (les sautes d'humeur et l'irritabilité, la conscience de soi, maniérismes spécifiques aux sexes, la pression par les pairs)
  • "Éjaculations et érections" (a short text with questions)
  • "La puberté" (tableau SVA)
  • "Entrevue avec un grand" (in relation to growing and puberty - in both English and French depending on parents' languages)
  • "Ma liste de vérification" (a guide to girl's being prepared for their period)
  • "L'hygiène personnelle" (tableau SVA)
  • "L'hygiène personnelle - Le TOP 5!" (small competitive group activity)
  • "Chère Sophie" (multiple activities on asking uncomfortable questions and answering them with respect and kindness).

Mental Health Curriculum 4th - 7th Grade Activities and Tips

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas:

This mental health curriculum includes suggested activities and tips to support mental health education and instruction for students in 4th through 7th Grade. Depending on students ability levels, this product could be used in 3rd - 9th grade as well.

Self Management - This product includes a teacher guide for self-management, promote self-care for mental and emotional health, identify what emotionally and mentally healthy means, self-management ideas and activities, creating a mindful classroom, mindful moments, identifying your feelings, experiencing feelings in our bodies, identify how we felt in the past when we were stressed, angry, frustrated, etc., a teacher guide for resiliency - learn ways to manage stress, improve self-esteem, and recognize failures and non-successes, listening to my negative voice, listening to my positive voice, discussing negative and positive voice scenarios, resiliency building amongst the group, a teacher guide for feelings - discuss 30 feelings cards, write in the learning journal - feelings, emotional, and mental health that include positive and negative feelings and when they were felt in the past.

Relationships - This product includes a teacher guide for communication in relationships - communication skills - verbally or nonverbally, communicating effectively, teacher guide for assertive statements activities, assertive statements notebook for students to fill out, answer questions regarding aggression, examples of aggression, how students handled aggression in the past is asked and discussed, being assertive instead of aggressive, examples of being passive, assertive, and aggressive, how to communicate assertively - eye contact, clear conversation, facial expression, etc., examples of aggressive and assertive responses to show students the difference, students will play charades that focuses on feelings - students can play in a small group or a large group, feeling cards are included in this product, empathy, compassion, and acceptance are included in this product as well, students will learn about personal space and boundaries, they can fill in the packet called, My Personal Space Bubble, students will act out and write out how close is too close to have a conversation, how they felt when they were too close to a friend, the importance of staying in your own personal space bubble, how you could make others feel if you do not stay in your own personal space bubble, reading body language, what someone's body language is telling you and why that is important, the 4 zones of space are discussed - intimate - hugging and whispering, personal - with close friends and family, social space - conversations with acquaintances, and public space - public speaking space, students will answer questions about their personal space bubble, students will learn about compassion and can fill out the Compassion Journal included in the product, students will learn what compassion is, students are provided with examples of how they can show compassion, students will learn about gratitude and forgiveness and how they benefit one's mental health and relationship building, students can complete a 7 day I'm Grateful Because journal that includes prompts to answer as to why they are grateful, students can participate in the Grateful Scavenger Hunt and answer questions aloud or write their answers down to 14 different things they could be grateful for, and students will learn about the four part apology in this product - apologize, take responsibility, how will this be resolved, and ask for forgiveness. Teachers can use this packet as a guide while have conversations with students or teachers can have students fill out the packets that are included.

Resource Management - This product includes a teacher guide for resource management to help students identify and express a variety of feelings by rating their feelings on a scale of 0 - 10, students will identify very strong feelings and how they may feel a feeling a little bit or not at all, when students feel angry what they can do, sharing with students that it is okay to feel angry, upset, etc., but what it is not okay to do, coping with upsetting feelings, when to ask for help, recognize when a situation needs help, filling out a feelings survival kit (tips are included), where to ask for help, who in your school you can talk to and trust, understanding what trusting someone means, trust activities that help studies build trust, questions for social workers, counselors, or psychologists, how to ask for help from people that students trust, how people you trust can help you when you feel angry or upset, and when should students ask for help.

You may be interested in the following individual products:

Self-Management Activities and Tips:


Mental Health Communication in Relationships Activities and Tips:


Mental Health Expressing Feelings Activities:


Gratitude Activities:



Mental Health Curriculum Pre K - 3rd Grade Activities and Tips

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas:

This mental health curriculum includes suggested activities and tips to support mental health education and instruction for students in Pre-K through 3rd Grade. Depending on students ability levels, this product could be used in 4th - 6th grade as well.

Self Management - Tips for self care to promote mental health and overall well being/feelings and resiliency. This product includes a teacher guide with tips and tricks when teaching mental health and mindfulness - focusing on feelings. Students will learn what feelings are, why it is important to talk about feelings, who to talk to about feelings, a list of feelings, situations that require students to identify the kinds of feelings that may be felt - students can write their response or circle the feeling picture provided on each page, students will also be provided with 5 picture of girls and boys showing different feelings. Students will be required to identify how these children are feelings. This product includes a blank human body image, where students can draw how they are feeling. Students will also be given an opportunity to draw a face to show how they are feeling today or felt yesterday. A teacher guide with tips and tricks when teaching resiliency, coping skills, and setting goals is included in this product. Students will learn what resilience and coping mean, the different meanings of resiliency, what to do when we experience a tough time, examples of resilience that students can relate with and how they can improve next time or bounce back, steps that help build resilience, examples of healthy coping skills, how to include healthy coping skills into your daily routine, and setting goals.

Relationships - communication skills, empathy, compassion, and acceptance, and gratitude and forgiveness. This product includes a teacher guide with tips and tricks when teaching the skill - listening, understanding body language, and giving and receiving information. Students will identify different facial expressions and discuss how they are feeling when presented with different images, students can also play a variety of games such as telephone, 20 questions, and a body language game. Students will learn about empathy, compassion, and acceptance which will help identify the characteristics of different types of relationships, personal space and boundaries of others, students will look at a variety of pictures to determine healthy/unhealthy relationships between families and friends, learn about the circles program - different relationships we have with people we know, invading personal space and how to avoid doing that, interview a friend and ask them questions using turn taking strategies to develop healthy peer relationships. Students will also learn about gratitude and forgiveness for so they understand the meaning of gratitude and forgiveness along with a variety of ideas to carry this out, and students can answer questions/circle images presented in the product showing what they are grateful for.

Resource Management - what, when, and where to ask for help for self and others, and how to ask for help for self and others. Students will identify and express a variety of feelings, demonstrate the use of I-messages to express feelings honestly and effectively, and identify the words that are commonly used in I-messages. an I-message/statements sheet for students to fill out is included in this product, and a list of coping skills is provided to share with students. Students are also able to add onto the list provided. A coping skill bookmark template is included for students to draw/write down coping skills on a bookmark that they can look at in times of feeling stressed/upset. Building trust activity ideas are provided in this product for students to build trust with others they know well, tips for students to interact with school counselors, social workers, and school psychologists are also included in this product. Students will learn who to trust and how they can trust them. Students are also provided with the opportunity to draw who they trust or write down their names as well

You may like these products as well:

Mental Health Curriculum Pre K - 3rd Grade Activities and Tips:


Mental Health and Mindfulness Notes and Review:


Resiliency Skills Notes and Review:


Healthy Relationships Activities:


Mental Health Empathy, Compassion, and Acceptance Activities and Tips


Mental Health Coping Activities and Tips:

