Full Year Weekly Grammar Skills
By Fortunate in Fifth Grade
Are you looking for mini grammar lessons and practice sheets? Then you will love this bundle! This bundle includes a printable packet for 6 units with 3 mini-lessons, 3 practice sheets, and answer keys. Each unit has 5 weeks of skills for your student to practice giving you a full year of grammar! These grammar skills do follow McGraw Hill Wonders for 5th grade however the grammar skills are your standard grammar skills taught in upper elementary.
Grammar skills included:
Want to try out a week first before you buy it? Grab a free SAMPLE of the first two weeks of unit 1. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Also, follow me and be notified when new products are uploaded.
By French Made Fun!
C'est le bundle ultime des mini-leçons qui regroupe toutes mes mini-leçons de lecture et d'écriture disponibles dans ma boutique ! Il contient plus de 500 pages de matériel, avec plus de 75 mini-leçons et ateliers, ainsi qu'une abondance de tableaux d'ancrage, organisateurs graphiques, prompts, et exemples modélisés pour chaque stratégie. ÇA GRANDIT, LES AMIS!
Chaque leçon, qu’elle soit en écriture ou en lecture, est méticuleusement préparée avec un plan de leçon détaillé incluant le script de l’enseignant, les objectifs pédagogiques, des lectures et écritures partagées et guidées, des exercices en partenariat ou en groupe, ainsi que des activités d’entraînement en autonomie.
Voici ce que vous trouverez dans ce bundle :
Écriture :
Lecture :
Ce bundle grandissant est l'outil idéal pour tout enseignant cherchant à avoir toutes ses leçons prêtes à l’emploi avec toutes les lectures incluses. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, c'est la bible pédagogique!
Dans cette ressource, vous trouverez les documents suivants:
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
McGraw Hill: Wonders Units 1-6: Digital Background Info & Vocab Introduction PPT
By Kiwious About Vocab
WONDERS GRADE 4 UNITS 1-6 These introductory lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. Fun facts, photo visuals, and video clips support the story details. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment for:
Princess and the Pizza
Experts, Inc
Crash Course in Forces & Motion
Kids in Business
The Secret Message
Ranita, The Frog Princess
The Buffalo Are Back
The Cricket in Times Square
Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights
Abe's Honest Words
A New Kind of Corn
See How They Run
LaRue for Mayor
The Moon Over Star
Why Does the Moon Change Shape?
Poems-Swimming to the Rock and The Moondust Footprint
Mama, I'll Give You the World
Apples to Oregon
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning
A Drop of Water
Rediscovering Our Spanish Beginnings
The Game of Silence
Valley of the Moon
Energy Island
The Big Picture of Economics
GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, Vocabulary Organizer, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.
2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.
3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.
4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.
5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.
6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.
7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.
8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.
9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.
10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes
11 **Fun Fact** video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension
• Vibrant Vocab slides(see individual lesson for vocabulary)
-bold photos appear without word for inference making
-vocab word 'slides in' so photo can be first WITHOUT the word
-part of speech
-concise definition
· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls, printable, and interactive notebooks
By French Made Fun!
Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.
Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:
Language Arts:
Project-Based Learning:
Why You'll Love It:
Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!
** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **
Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.
You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!
For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!
Mme Kaitlyn
McGraw Hill: Wonders GRADE 4 Units 1-5: VOCABULARY STUDY & Introduction PPT
By Kiwious About Vocab
Purpose: These introductory lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. Fun facts, photo visuals, and video clips support the story details. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment for:
Princess and the Pizza
Experts, Inc
Crash Course in Forces & Motion
Kids in Business
The Secret Message
Ranita, The Frog Princess
The Buffalo Are Back
The Cricket in Times Square
Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights
Abe's Honest Words
A New Kind of Corn
See How They Run
LaRue for Mayor
The Moon Over Star
Why Does the Moon Change Shape?
Poems-Swimming to the Rock and The Moondust Footprint
Mama, I'll Give You the World
Apples to Oregon
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning
A Drop of Water
Rediscovering Our Spanish Beginnings
GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, Vocabulary Organizer, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
• Title slides
-genre, author photo and short bio.
• 2 setting slides
-Location photos with map
-Time period photos with live link to period music clip!
• Vibrant Vocab slides(see individual lesson for vocabulary)
-bold photos appear without word for inference making
-vocab word 'slides in' so photo can be first WITHOUT the word
-part of speech
-concise definition
• Differentiated Vocabulary Worksheet/Answer Key-used as a pretest, posttest, or practice
• Quizlet practice link
• Part of speech sort
• Word connotation discussion slide
· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls, printable, and interactive notebooks
By French Made Fun!
Cet ensemble contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner confortablement l'écriture à vos élèves de 5e et 6e années. Ce bundle contient 23 documents et 700 pages (!!) et inclut:
Toutes mes minis-leçons d'écriture
Tous mes produits sur les stratégies de lecture et d'écriture
Tous mes produits sur les conventions (verbes et grammaire)
TOUS les genres d'écriture de ma boutique
Des activités à l'oral
Un ensemble d'organisateurs graphiques
Mon ensemble d'évaluation en littératie (cartable de littératie)
Mon ensemble de compréhensions de lecture:
Ces documents ont un total combiné de presque 100 $. Vous économisez plus de 10 $ en l'achetant dans ce bundle. Suivez les liens ci-haut pour plus de détails et informations spécifiques - et plus d'images de chaque document :-)
Merci TELLEMENT pour votre support continue. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante de vous et je vous apprécie!
Mme. Kaitlyn
You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!
McGraw Hill: Wonders Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 : VOCABULARY STUDY & Introduction grade 4
By Kiwious About Vocab
These introductory MCGRAW HILL WONDERS GRADE 4 UNITS 1-4 POWERPOINT lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. Fun facts, photo visuals, and video clips support the story details. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment for:
Princess and the Pizza
Experts, Inc
Crash Course in Forces & Motion
Kids in Business
The Secret Message
Ranita, The Frog Princess
The Buffalo Are Back
The Cricket in Times Square
Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights
Abe's Honest Words
A New Kind of Corn
See How They Run
LaRue for Mayor
The Moon Over Star
Why Does the Moon Change Shape?
Poems-Swimming to the Rock and The Moondust Footprint
GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, Vocabulary Organizer, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.
2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.
3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.
4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.
5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.
6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.
7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.
8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.
9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.
10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes
11 **Fun Fact** video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension
· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls, printable, and interactive notebooks
McGraw Hill: Wonders Units 1, 2, 3: VOCABULARY STUDY & introduction grade 4 PPT
By Kiwious About Vocab
Purpose: These introductory lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. Fun facts, photo visuals, and video clips support the story details. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment for:
Princess and the Pizza
Experts, Inc
Crash Course in Forces & Motion
Kids in Business
The Secret Message
Ranita, The Frog Princess
The Buffalo Are Back
The Cricket in Times Square
Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights
Abe's Honest Words
A New Kind of Corn
GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, Vocabulary Organizer, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.
2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.
3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.
4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.
5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.
6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.
7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.
8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.
9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.
10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes
11 **Fun Fact** video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension
· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls, printable, and interactive notebooks
McGraw Hill: Wonders Units 1 & 2: VOCABULARY STUDY intro, 10 stories grade 4 PPT
By Kiwious About Vocab
Purpose: These introductory lessons to McGraw Hill grade 4 stories provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. Fun facts, photo visuals, and video clips support the story details. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment for WONDERS UNITS 1&2
Princess and the Pizza
Experts, Inc
Crash Course in Forces & Motion
Kids in Business
The Secret Message
Ranita, The Frog Princess
The Buffalo Are Back
2017 Edition
GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, Vocabulary Organizer, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.
2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.
3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.
4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.
5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.
6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.
7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.
8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.
9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.
10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes
11 **Fun Fact** video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension
· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls, printable, and interactive notebooks