By French Made Fun!
Cette unité complète et très attrayante de plus de 100 pages comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner confortablement les systèmes du corps humain à vos élèves de 5e et 6e année. Les versions PPT et PDF sont incluses avec cette ressource ; Cependant, je recommande fortement d'utiliser PowerPoint pour que vos élèves puissent voir les diapositives animées (qu'un PDF ne pourrait pas afficher).
Il y a 42 diapositives de contenu qui vous guident dans votre enseignement. Je couvre:
1. Le système circulatoire
2. Le système respiratoire
3. Le système digestif
4. Le système nerveux
5. Le système musculaire
Les termes système, organe, organes vitaux et non-vitaux, la génération et la régénération de cellules, le nettoyage du sang dans plusieurs systèmes.
Les jeux!
Un jeu animé pour tableau intelligent ou tableau blanc où les élèves tentent de retrouver les "pinces" d'un chirurgien qui se sont perdues dans le corps d'un patient. Ils doivent deviner l'emplacement de l'outil manquant en nommant correctement les organes.
Un mini-jeu de questions-réponses permettant aux partenaires de choisir le système corporel approprié pour différents organes du corps.
Inclut le corrigé !
La bataille du corps humain (Similaire au jeu Battleship mais avec le corps humain!)
Projets et activités
En équipe: Recherche et présentation sur un système du corps
Organisateur graphique: Les systèmes du corps humain (3 pages)
Organisateur graphique: Mes notes d'écoute (2 pages)
Rubriques:: Évaluation de la production orale, évaluation du travail d'équipe, autoévaluation (2 pages)
Indépendant: Recherche et présentation sur une maladie infectieuse (maladies fournies).
Organisateur graphique: Ma maladie infectieuse (3 pages)
Rubriques : Évaluation des compétences de recherche, évaluation de la présentation orale, autoévaluation (3 pages)
36 maladies à imprimer et découper (2 pages)
I feuille de suivi pour le prof pour prendre note des maladies des élèves et les tâches terminées, besoins des élèves (1 page)
Tableau S-V-A
Prendre soin de mes organes sensoriels
Le corps humain (tracer et colorier)
Mes organes (identifier et colorier)
Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
By Ms Garcia Store
Journey through the Animal Kingdom with this captivating PowerPoint presentation! Join me aboard my plane and explore over 150 animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems. Discover their unique characteristics and classification within the animal world. Each animal has its own dedicated file, featuring an image, classification, and a 3 to 5-minute video about their fascinating lives. By clicking on different features, you'll be transported to new tabs that enhance your understanding of this incredible world.
This interactive resource ensures that all tiles are interconnected, providing a seamless learning experience. Plus, customization is a breeze. On slide 3, simply replace "Ms Garcia Store" with your own class name. For example, "Ms. Garcia's Class."
In addition, you'll receive two PDF files to complement your journey:
1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 double-sided letter-size sheets (8.5 x 11") from this PDF and obtain a fantastic passport. Your students can familiarize themselves with this document while exploring different ecosystems.
2. Travel Stamps: Also print this 2-page PDF (single-sided). It features 20 travel stamps for your students to affix to their eco-passports as they learn about each location. The 20 stamps represent the following destinations:
- Amazon Rainforest
- Australia
- Andes Mountains
- The Arctic
- The Antarctic
- African Savannah
- American Grasslands
- American Swamps
- Pacific Coast
- Sahara Desert
- African Jungle
- Himalayan Mountains
- Indonesian Islands
- Galapagos Islands
- Asian Monsoon Rainforest
- Northern Forests
- European Forests
- Coral Reefs
- Farm Animals
- City Animals
- What is an animal?
- Mammals
- Birds
- Fish
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Poriferans
- Flatworms
- Annelids
- Echinoderms
- Cnidarians
- Mollusks
- Arthropods
- Arachnids
- Insects
- Crustaceans
- Myriapods
- Where do they live?
- 10 habitats
- 20 ecosystems
Travel around the world and explore 20 ecosystems while discovering the animals that inhabit them.
- How do they reproduce?
- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous
- What do they eat?
- Carnivores
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:
- Surname
- Given Names
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Sex
- Date of Issue (the date the form is filled out)
- Date of Expiry (5 years after the date of issue)
- Signature
- Photo or Drawing of the Student's Face
Immerse yourself in this exciting virtual safari and let your students explore the captivating world of animals in diverse corners of the planet. Acquire this resource now and provide an unforgettable educational experience!
Note: This resource can be used in the classroom or for homeschooling purposes.
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
Click here to visit my TeachShare store
I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -
Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Safari Virtual Interactivo y Pasaporte Ecológico
By Ms Garcia Store
Excursión Virtual de Safari en Español
¡Embárcate en un emocionante viaje alrededor del mundo y descubre 175 fascinantes animales en sus hábitats y ecosistemas naturales con esta presentación PowerPoint totalmente interactiva! Conoce sus características principales y su clasificación en el reino animal.
Cada animal tiene su propia ficha con una imagen, su clasificación y un video informativo de aproximadamente 3 a 5 minutos. Al hacer clic en cada función, accederás a nuevas pestañas que te ayudarán a comprender este maravilloso mundo.
Casi todo es editable. En la diapositiva número 3, podrás personalizar el nombre de tu clase en lugar de "Ms Garcia Store". Por ejemplo, puedes escribir "Clase de la Sra. García".
Además, encontrarás dos archivos PDF adicionales:
1. Pasaporte Ecológico: Imprime en tamaño carta (8.5 x 11") las 3 hojas de este PDF y obtendrás un increíble pasaporte con el que tus estudiantes podrán familiarizarse mientras aprenden sobre diferentes ecosistemas.
2. Sellos de Viaje: Imprime también este archivo PDF de 2 hojas (no a doble cara). Contiene un total de 20 sellos de viaje que tus alumnos podrán pegar en el pasaporte ecológico a medida que vayan descubriendo estos fascinantes lugares. Los 20 sellos corresponden a las siguientes ubicaciones:
- La selva amazónica
- Australia
- La cordillera de los Andes
- El Ártico
- La Antártida
- La sabana africana
- El pastizal americano
- Los pantanos americanos
- Las costas del Pacífico
- El desierto del Sáhara
- La jungla africana
- Montañas del Himalaya
- Islas de Indonesia
- Islas Galápagos
- Selva monzónica asiática
- Bosques del Norte
- Bosques Europeos
- Arrecifes de coral
- Animales de granja
- Animales de ciudad
- Clasificación de los animales
- ¿Dónde viven?
- 10 hábitats
- 20 ecosistemas
Viaja alrededor del mundo a través de 20 ecosistemas y descubre los animales que los habitan.
- ¿Cómo se reproducen?
- Vivíparos, ovíparos y ovovivíparos
- ¿De qué se alimentan?
- Carnívoros
- Herbívoros
- Omnívoros
Los estudiantes practicarán la cumplementación de formularios aportando la siguiente información en el Pasaporte, ya sea la suya personal o la de un personaje inventado:
- Apellido
- Nombre
- Nacionalidad
- Fecha de nacimiento
- Lugar de nacimiento
- Sexo
- Fecha de expedición (fecha en la que se completa el formulario)
- Fecha de caducidad (5 años después de la fecha de expedición)
- Firma
Sumérgete en esta emocionante excursión virtual de safari y permite que tus estudiantes exploren el fascinante mundo de la vida animal en diferentes rincones del planeta. ¡Adquiere este recurso ahora y bríndales una experiencia educativa inolvidable!
Nota: Este recurso es compatible con el aprendizaje en español y es adecuado para su uso en el aula o en educación en el hogar.
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
Click here to see all my resources in Spanish
Click here to visit my TeachShare store
I would like to thank all graphic designers whose work I took borrow from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -
Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
By Ms Garcia Store
Embark on an exciting journey around the world and discover 175 fascinating animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems with this fully interactive PowerPoint presentation! Learn about their main characteristics and classification in the animal kingdom.
Each animal has its own card with an image, classification, and an informative video lasting approximately 3 to 5 minutes. By clicking on each feature, you will access new tabs that will help you understand this wonderful world.
Almost everything is editable. On slide number 3, you can customize the name of your class instead of "Ms Garcia Store." For example, you can write "Mrs. Garcia's Class."
In addition, you will find two additional PDF files:
1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 letter-sized (8.5 x 11") pages of this PDF, and you will obtain an incredible passport that your students can familiarize themselves with while learning about different ecosystems.
2. Travel Stamps: Print this 2-page PDF (not double-sided). It contains a total of 20 travel stamps that your students can paste in the ecological passport as they discover these fascinating locations. The 20 stamps correspond to the following places:
- The Amazon Rainforest
- Australia
- The Andes Mountains
- The Arctic
- Antarctica
- The African Savannah
- The American Grasslands
- The American Swamps
- The Pacific Coasts
- The Sahara Desert
- The African Jungle
- The Himalayan Mountains
- Indonesian Islands
- Galapagos Islands
- Asian Monsoon Rainforest
- Northern Forests
- European Forests
- Coral Reefs
- Farm Animals
- City Animals
- Animal Classification
- Where do they live?
- 10 habitats
- 20 ecosystems
Travel around the world through 20 ecosystems and discover the animals that inhabit them.
- How do they reproduce?
- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous
- What do they eat?
- Carnivores
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Gender
- Date of Issue (date when the form is completed)
- Expiration Date (5 years after the date of issue)
- Signature
Dive into this exciting virtual safari excursion and allow your students to explore the fascinating world of animal life in different corners of the planet. Get this resource now and provide them with an unforgettable educational experience!
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx -
Dog vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by macrovector -
Tree vector created by upklyak -
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector -
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by -
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx -
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector -
Background vector created by -
Vintage photo created by -
Poster vector created by -
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx -
Tree vector created by brgfx -
Background vector created by brgfx -
Texture photo created by freepik -